On Wednesday, 16. April 2008, Thomas Walther wrote: > Hello KDE-Artists Team, > I want to propose to include the "Skulpture" widget style into KDE 4.1: > http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=59031 Looks like a very nice style, however this is not how we include stuff. If this style should go into upstream KDE, it can only happen if the maintainer commits to maintaining it in the official kdeartwork module, so we can't just "take" the style and copy it over to KDE 4.1. Instead, the maintainer himself needs to ask upstream for inclusion, and should post a message to both the kde-core-devel and kde-artists mailing lists. It will then go through a two-week review process, and if everything's cool for the general community and the kdeartwork maintainers, it will be included in the next version and developed as official part of KDE. I'm not completely on top of the schedule, I think the feature freeze for KDE 4.1 is a few days away, so it might only be an option for 4.2. (I might also be wrong, please check back on the related TechBase page.) So if you want to get it included, better ask the maintainer to actively pursue that :) Cheers, Jakob ______________________________________________________________________________ kde-artists@kde.org | https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-artists