The idea to sharpen the icons came from something i read in the cvs comments. About ksvgtopng.cpp it said something like 'sharpening added at request by Torsten.' Later i saw the icons the other kde-look rendering script makes are smoother, it's a question of taste whether that's better. But the smaller ones were fuzzy, so sharpening the smaller ones seemed good. I now took a look at ksvgtopng.cpp: /* // Apply icon sharpening double factor = 0; if(width == 16) factor = 30; else if(width == 32) factor = 20; else if(width == 48) factor = 10; else if(width == 64) factor = 5; *img = KImageEffect::sharpen(*img, factor); */ We can see which levels are in this scripts. Yet, they are commented out? Sharpening thrown out again? Cordialemente, Ante ****** The most up to date info for kde artists can be found at the wiki: Scripts for kde artists, like svg2png4kde, add border, add drop shadow, change filename, file conversion: Web course italian, poem generator, poetry, stories and visual art: _______________________________________________ kde-artists mailing list