From Wed Jan 14 04:09:52 2004 From: Frans Englich Subject: Concerning svg files for the crystalsvg theme Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 04:09:52 +0100 User-Agent: KMail/1.5.94 Disposition-Notification-To: Frans Englich MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Status: R X-Status: N X-KMail-EncryptionState: X-KMail-SignatureState: X-KMail-MDN-Sent: Hi Everaldo, We, the undersigned KDE developers and artists have during a long time been puzzled by the absence of the svg files for the crystalsvg icon theme. Rumors floating around regarding when they will be released, and for what reasons it have not yet happened. It would clear a lot of confusion if you could tell us why the svg's is not released. If there is plans to release them, a time frame would be very practical. We need the svg's in order to be able to fix usability issues with some of them, as well as being able to export to different resolutions. They are also needed for establishing various technical infrastructure, such as (in some form) from-svg rendering. And as always - your work is very appreciated! (in alphabetic order) Frans Englich