hello again, just a description of my idea, what features the top frame in the preview design (i forgot to tell you in previous e-mails): from the left to right side you can find: clickable size shrinked "K erasers" logotype pointing to enter page, then i added a random draw path which is joined with the main navigation (auto-wrap text links) placed on a symbolic "chalk" or "coal crayon" silhouette and that all ends up with textual logotype "kde artist" image placed on the "chalk" pointing to main page of the site... (note that the color of "crayon" can be changed on the fly too, because it is done as the frame page background color) luci -- :.. :.: ::: : luciash [graun]d' being :.:::.::. ::.::: :: :: : :.:.:: simply just an( )other web designer? :::::.::.:.:::.::: :.: : l u c i @ s h . g r o u n d . c z ::.:::..:::.::.::.:: :. :: c. p#one ++ 420 777 777 590 :::.::::..::.::: :: : :.: :: http://luci.skinbase.org ::.:::...:.: : .:: ::.: :: ::: :.. :.: ::: : _______________________________________________ kde-artists mailing list kde-artists@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-artists