--------------Boundary-00=_UH8THQUTEFX50O0JKDS4 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hello, I develop an education application for KDE and need some icons. My artistic talent is limited to screenshots, so I have to reuse as much as possible. So I wonder if icons (complete or templates) for the following exists: Name: Rules Purpouse: Toolbar/menu icon for opening a rules dialog. Suggested look: A document/book with a §-sign over. (I could try to paint the §-sign myself if I find a suitable background.) This icon could probably be used by several other applications. Name: Map Purpouse: Iconlist in a dialog derived from KDialogBase in IconList mode. Suggested look: A normal flat paper map (not a globe) seen from a perspective. Recognizable blue/green areas for land/sea and meridians. The application will have themes. I need at least 1 theme to begin with. I'm thinking of a mouse theme. For this I need some additional icons: Name: Mouse Purpouse: Show on a QCanvas. Suggested look: A mouse seen from above. The direction that the mouse is facing must be easily recognizable. (east/north/west/south) The application will rotate the pixmap as necessary. Name: Cheese Purpouse: Show on a QCanvas. Suggested look: A piece of cheese. Name: Cat or Mousetrap (or both) Purpouse: Show on a QCanvas. Suggested look: A cat, mousetrap, or anything else that is dangerous for a mouse. Direction is not important. Name: Mouse home Purpouse: Show on a QCanvas. Suggested look: A hole in the wall at the floor level (I'm sure you can imagine). And then it would be nice with a: Name: Gold item Purpouse: Show on a QCanvas. Suggested look: A piece of gold. I made some attempts at my own. I made Mouse, Cheese, Mouse home and Gold item. See the attached files. I would appreciate any help; links to existing icons, templates, general suggestions about anything. I can of course only use GPL-compatible icons, but I can get Ideas from other icons as well. If don't have any suggestions, I have to create these icons myself. Then I wonder what application I should use. Do you all use GIMP or what? --------------Boundary-00=_UH8THQUTEFX50O0JKDS4 Content-Type: image/png; name="home.png" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="home.png" iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwCAYAAABXAvmHAAAAlElEQVR42u3a0Q3AIAhFUSDdf2U6 QkE0BXMZQN5Rov2ourtMLpPhBQBAsZ6di6lq6EZwd93Ws3oLRUOfwiwDqsF3QaxD+MqaqRM4Ebx6 GtYtfLaXdQuf7Xn/Q/bH7md6W9fw0Qz3jlCH3Y9k4Wu0JaDT+HxlYoQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAACwUCoio/+3eQHw6Stt4Us7ygAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== --------------Boundary-00=_UH8THQUTEFX50O0JKDS4 Content-Type: image/png; name="mouse.png" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mouse.png" iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwAgMAAAAqbBEUAAAACVBMVEX///8AAADAwMC/YCrjAAAA AXRSTlMAQObYZgAAAHhJREFUeNrdkbENgDAMBB0JqFPAPl8wQJAIBSMwTyp6CjwlThDoswHiu7Oj t98R+YXcTDCIxGC1AlOMekQ4n2FRU5AbtgxHO2ZwWrQmGHQ36MmwJ3Nd9GlJy9DzM88GYGvwUPA6 4EXxRjCBw3nOXEFTXaO6Db70URcjoUdo6FAEoQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== --------------Boundary-00=_UH8THQUTEFX50O0JKDS4 Content-Type: image/png; name="cheese.png" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="cheese.png" iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwCAYAAABXAvmHAAABOklEQVR42u1ayw6DMAyLp/wb38zX ZQcuE2sGbR4E1twQamUndpoiICJ053jRzWMSiAgAAuCUtrkacCIikXX3LFDXVDDxHvj3+0UlwVeD /gX81D7ZFTjKtr6uXYUUAm7ZbpAIJdCbbWChI6J7EiEERmSyAVvVZ40EV5NJb/BVprSEyEoARETA VYBvoI49YKpAtExG9uSqMjETiMr2iEy6CERmu6dVdo8S0TLRwFpIAAuBiFKGoV8gP2U1JKEMc0ZV YF4pRw8qLxOnXmhGT9tSd2Jvv7GXQa+YRJ2mUf/DKc3ELbAtsz6iC5WVUMSQF3Yf0Nqi1QOtNWf3 MVfA2ts1oK3khEnoyosOe+qxBAGLHr18lOqBqEEvpQtVmJHYMxtlTFwZ8ONGiUlgErAOgZT0XSiM wPxXYhL4cwJvXzn+9vyZNhgAAAAASUVORK5CYII= --------------Boundary-00=_UH8THQUTEFX50O0JKDS4 Content-Type: image/png; name="item.png" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="item.png" iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwAgMAAAAqbBEUAAAACVBMVEX///8AAADv5B9r9QXdAAAA AXRSTlMAQObYZgAAAGZJREFUeNpjYBg6gDUUAsCcqFVgEOYAZDNC2EtXOSBURa2aAORIQWRmrVqC 4CwDc7JgnJUIzspVQBOghqFyVmUBjYNzQMaxIThLEZxlq6bArAFxHBCclUvh1gBBAANDKBw4MIwc AADrmmT1GX4bdgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== --------------Boundary-00=_UH8THQUTEFX50O0JKDS4-- _______________________________________________ kde-artists mailing list kde-artists@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-artists