I am uploading pws 0.6 to kde.org right now. This version has no new functionality over 0.5, except that it has a good chance of building on a KDE1.0 + Qt1.4 combination :-) So, if you are using 0.5, don't bother. For those who don't know pws, below is the lsm ("\''/").__..-''"`-. . Roberto Alsina `9_ 9 ) `-. ( ).`-._.`) ralsina@unl.edu.ar (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._`. " -.-' Centro de Telematica _..`-'_..-_/ /-'_.' Universidad Nacional del Litoral (l)-'' ((i).' ((!.' Santa Fe - Argentina KDE Developer (MFCH) "I can attempt anything, specialization is for insects" (50% Heinlein). Begin3 Title: PWS -- Frontend for the mathopd personal web server Version: 0.6 Entered-date: Description: A easy-to-use web serving package. Keywords: KDE Qt httpd personal web server mathopd Author: Roberto Alsina Maintained-by: Roberto Alsina Home-page: Alternate-site: Primary-site: ftp://ftp.kde.org/put/kde/stable/apps/utils xxxxxx pws-0.6.tar.gz xxx pws-0.6.lsm Platform: UNIX. Needs Qt 1.4x and KDE Copying-policy: Artistic or GPL End