Hi there, thanks to Martin Scherbaum there is now a new S.u.S.E kdebase binary package available from: ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/rpm/SuSE-5.2/1.0/binary/kbase-1.0-4.i386.rpm and ftp://ftp.us.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/rpm/SuSE-5.2/1.0/binary/kbase-1.0-4.i386.rpm Yours, -- martin // Martin Konold, Herrenbergerstr. 14, 72070 Tuebingen, Germany // // Email: konold@kde.org // Anybody who's comfortable using KDE should use it. Anyone who wants to tell other people what they should be using can go to work for Microsoft.