Hy! This is a tamagotchi-emulator (you know, that silly game) for X-Win/KDE. It's not complete, just a preview of what's to come... The interface is about 90% complete however, but the main engine is not... Expect a more complete version in a few weeks. Also I'll try to put the file up on ftp://ftp.kde.org, currently in the /pub/kde/Incoming dir, but it should reside under the games dir later. Begin3 Title: ktamaga Version: 0.0.1 Entered-date: 29AUG1997 Description: This is a Tamagotchi emulator for KDE/X Windows. This works without KDE, too, but with KDE, it's better. It is under developement, in alpha stage! More work needs to be done in the main engine of the animal. Think of this as a preview. (Needs Qt (1.2+) (http://www.troll.no) and optionally KDE libraries (http://www.kde.org)) Keywords: games tamagotchi X11 Qt KDE Author: johnzero@telnet.hu (John Zero) Maintained-by: johnzero@telnet.hu (John Zero) Original-site: http://goliat.eik.bme.hu/~johnzero/tamaga Platform: UNIX (Linux, others) Copying-policy: GPL End j0 _______________________________________________________________________ | John Zero : NSS member,coder :: http://goliat.eik.bme.hu/~johnzero | | johnzero@telnet.hu :: | | PGP & Linux rulez ! :: "Expect the unexpected!" | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~