I have been neglecting my release-notices (shame on me)... PerlQt-1.05 has many improvements over the previous versions of PerlQt. And PerlQt has undergone massive changes since my last release-notice. So, what does PerlQt have? * Every prototype of every function (public and protected) in every (reasonable) class in Qt has been interfaced (over 50 classes, all the widgets). Well, at least 98% of the functions. I'm not perfect. * Object oriented. Of course it is! * Error checking. PerlQt not only checks object types, it checks for unexpected undefined argument passing, signal/slot prototypes, etc... * Overloaded operators. You can add QRects. * Destructors. Objects are destroyed when the go out of Perl scope. You can also bypass this feature. * Signals/slots. PerlQt *does* have signals and slots interfaced. Without a moc, without SIGNAL() and SLOT(), without Q_OBJECT, and very elegantly. Version 1.05 allows many types of arguments to be passed in signals and slots. Including objects, floats (on platforms where sizeof(float) == sizeof(long)), ints, strings (aliased char *'s), and Perl scalar variables. You can also pass as many as 2 arguments. In version 1.06, you should be able to pass 3 arguments, including more types. * Virtual functions. You may arbitratily override *any* Qt C++ virtual function with a Perl function by just creating it. * New widget creation. With virtual functions, signals/slots, and Perl's inheritance, it's simple. * Constants. I've interfaced most of em. * Tutorials and Examples. Every Qt tutorial has been completly ported to PerlQt for a long time. They illustrate the directness of the code-conversion, and the 'correct' programming style for PerlQt. Most of the examples also work. No tetris though, yet. * pqtsh. Run-time PerlQt code evaluation through a QLineEdit. See this... $x = new QPushButton show $x resize $x 100, 20 $x->setText("Hello World") # Both styles are legal resize $x 250, 40 setFont $x new QFont('Courier', 30, $Weight{Bold}) setCaption $x "Hello PerlQt user" setCaption $self "PerlQt Shell" exit Yes, that will work *at run-time*. Try that in C++! :) * Tech support. From me. You talk to me on irc on Undernet's #qt most of the day. You can also e-mail me directly through jql@accessone.com. * So much more.... If I've convinced you, here are your requirements... PerlQt 1.05 requires Perl-5.004 and Qt-1.2. It should compile on most POSIX-compatible Unix platforms, and probably on all Linux systems. It is important that your version of Perl-5.004 is *NOT* binary-compatible with Perl-5.003. PerlQt is available for free, and may be downloaded from any CPAN mirror in the authors/Ashley_Winters/ directory as the file PerlQt-1.05.tar.gz. Going to http://www.perl.org/CPAN/ will forward you to a CPAN mirror which is close to you. Ashley (Memory-leak-killer) Winters