Name: Quanta Plus Version: 3.5.0 Type: Development Environment Depend: KDE 3.4.x License: GPL Homepage: More Info: Description: The latest stable release of Quanta Plus and other useful programs for web developing, including Kommander, KImageMapEditor, KXSLDbg, KFileReplace, KLinkStatus, gathered under the name of KDEWebDev - KDE Web Development. This was released as part of KDE 3.5.0. Changelog: - bugfixes: - don't crash when Smart Tag Insertion is enabled and some tags are inserted to an empty document - add missing Romanian characters to the Insert Special Character dialog [#107549] - fix layout of mailto dialogs - fix lots of VPL related crashes [#112733, #112853, #108501, #115046] - give to the host field more space in the upload profile dialog [#112778] - remember find options between sessions [#97102] - don't hide the password dialogs behind the main window [#114584] - replace < and > typed in VPL with < and > in source [#115528] - never loose the content of files passed as argument when switching to VPL [#114611] - improvements: - md5sum based file changed detection - faster loading of multiple documents at once - possibility to change the icon/text layout of the user toolbars from inside Quanta added - external preview possibility with Firefox added [#106557] - make autoreplacing of accented chars smarter. The characters are replaced only if they cannot be encoded in the encoding of the document - escape the quotation marks of the inserted attributes inside a script area if needed - less annoying CSS autocompletion [#109603] - Debugger - The breakpoint list now shows the correct line number - It is now possible to double click on a breakpoint in the breakpoint list to jump to that file and line. - Renamed 'Run' To 'Trace' and 'Leap' to 'Run' - Updated the Gubed plugin to support Gubed version 0.2.x - new features: - loading/updating of the entities in a DTEP from a DTD _______________________________________________ kde-announce mailing list