-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 The Yzis team is proud to release Yzis M2, the second milestone of the Yzis ("Why this ?") editor. Yzis is a vi-compatible editor which provides a reusable vi engine and different user interfaces. Since the first milestone, a lot has happened for Yzis and we have welcome three new contributors. Thank to the dedicated work of this growing development team, Yzis is moving forward at a quick place. The focus is on bug-fixing the existing features, simplifying the code to make it more robust, easier to extend, and on adding all the features that are necessary for a modern code editor. Here is a summary of the main changes since the previous release: - - reduced memory consumption and start-up performance - - undo/redo support - - full scripting thank to the Lua scripting engine - - addition of a configuration system - - rewrite of the command system for increased simplicity and extensibility - - rewrite of the renderer engine for increased performance - - new visual modes - - object motions support - - registers support - - more Vim-like commands - - swap file and recovery - - translations - - printing support through Qt or pslib - - macros - - fixed and non fixed fonts support in kyzis - - improved ktexteditor support - - basic cindent support As of today, Yzis is available as a terminal editor, as a KDE editor and as a KDE editor component for KDE projects such as Quanta or KDevelop. We hope to extend the list of applications taking advantage of the Yzis engine in the future and would welcome any new ports. The next milestone is targeted for the end of 2004 and work has already begun. License The yzis engine is available under the Gnu LGPL. The KDE and NCurses frontend are available under the Gnu GPL. Download The source tarball of the release is available at ftp://download.yzis.org/yzis/releases/ Debian packages are available through apt-get with "deb ftp://download.yzis.org/yzis ./" Gentoo ebuild for snapshots : http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48552 rename it to yzis-0.1_preYYYYMMDD.ebuild to get the latest snapshot. Mandrake provides its own packages in their development area. But the best is to grab the latest development version directly with our snapshots (ftp://download.yzis.org/yzis/) or through subversion (svn co http://svn.freenux.org/svn/yzis/trunk/) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iD8DBQFBGP/4yOYzc4nQ8j0RApTPAJ98IdRNJJ28z1sTPG2H1lgY0VCiZwCgkLv0 mKkdzRyVaUAsENzR2DTm2Y0= =Irv6 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ kde-announce mailing list kde-announce@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-announce