====================================== KDE Image Database version 1.1 release ====================================== KimDaBa is an application for managing large amounts of images (we are talking about hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands here). With KimDaBa you specify in an easy and very fast way which person is on each image, where its taken etc. Later these information is used when you search for images or when you simply browse around in your collection of images. That way its possible to find all the images you have of a given person in tens of thousands of images within seconds, for example. KimDaBa version 1.0 was announce early December last year. Lots of users started using KimDaBa back then, and lots of feature requested came in. This version tries to honor the most wanted features, and thus makes it an even more attractive application. New in version 1.1 are: - KimDaBa now reads image dates from EXIF information. - Check sums are generated for the images, so the user can move them around on disk without KimDaBa loosing tracks. - The HTML generation has largely been improved, and is now themeable. - Lots of polishing has been done, it is for example now possible to configure keybindings, start external application on images, and see a large preview of images in the thumbnail view. - Its now possible to set desktop background from within KimDaBa - KimDaBa has been heavily optimized, so its fast even with many thousands images. - Lots of bugs has been closed, and during development lots of users has used weekly snapshots, which hopefully should ensure a pretty stable version. For more information about KimDaBa, please have a look at its home page on http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/ _______________________________________________ kde-announce mailing list kde-announce@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-announce