If you would like to try the future of  Kontact Touch Mail you can add the following repository:


it contains:
kde-runtime -  patched with the latest PageRow features 
declarative-plasmoids  - with the latest Kontact Touch Mail prototype ( instead of the news application because I could not get the proper package running in time...)
kdepim  - with the latest developments in kmail-mobile from master (currently deactivated)

The kdepim package is highly experimental and can eat your data. Don't use it with your real mail account.

The prototype is only for experimenting. I am currently working on the overall application navigation. 
It still contains some pixel based layout, the mail list is messed up and so on... 
All I am currently interested in is feedback about the navigation.

Known navigation issues (due to bugs in PageRow):
# initial page containing the accounts list is too big.
# scrolling is wrong after the first account is selected but gets fixed after another interaction
# the composer should be full screen when you start it from the new mail button on the mail list view. but it is not.

A screenshot for those who can not or do not want to install it:

