On Tuesday 23 October 2012, Steve Riley wrote: > The reason I ask is that at UDS next week, we'll supposedly see a Ubuntu > build for the Nexus 7: > > http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTIxMTA > > The Nexus 7 is built with a Tegra 3. I'm considering picking up one of > these to test the new Ubuntu on. It would be cool if I could also run > Plasma Active on the same gadget. if it's running natively (not in some emulated way under android, as i seen in the past) should be possible to adapt to mer whatever adaptation work they did to make ubuntu run (kernel, drivers, bootloader and so on) Cheers, Marco Martin _______________________________________________ Active mailing list Active@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/active