Hi Oliver, On Thursday, September 20, 2012 22:56:39 Oliver Sander wrote: > I have installed PA (with the open-slx 126 image) on my old WeTab 3G. > While many things work very nicely, I have encountered the following > problem: I tried to set up the mail client to communicate with a t-mobile > imap account. The automatic setup found the account directly, and > reading emails was very easy. However I have not been able to send > emails. Upon trying I get a little notification widget saying 'mail could > not be added to the waiting queue' (or something like that -- the actual > text is German). > I suspect that the reason may be that t-mobile uses different imap-servers > for incoming and outgoing mail. However in the Kontact Touch account > settings I see only one server. Is there a way to configure the program > to send mail via a separate second server? With the gui or by editing > some config file? Your help is much appreciated. There is, in fact you cannot send email through an IMAP server, you need an SMTP server. You can set this up in Kontact Touch, just like in Desktop Kontact. Look for Account for Sending Mail. (I don't have Kontact Touch handy right now, so can't give detailed instructions.) If you've got further questions, there's the KDE PIM mailinglist where you can find support for Kontact and Kontact Touch specifically. You can reach it at kdepim-users@kde.org. Cheers, -- sebas http://www.kde.org | http://vizZzion.org | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 _______________________________________________ Active mailing list Active@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/active