Em Friday 30 March 2012, Marco Martin escreveu:

> Hi all,



> so, today i tried to figure out a why networkmanager is not working on arm

> and only arm.


> turns out the problem is polkit. so not only networkmanager doesn't work,

> but anything that requires authentication

> apparently polkit depends from consolekit to identify who belongs to the

> same session and who doesn't, except that now doesn't use consolekit

> anymore but systemd.


> in kde, not exactly sure in what part of the stack, systemd is still not

> supported (or better, is not supported the act to telling to systemd a what

> is the currently running session)


Usuallly it is kdm that talks to console-kit, since we do not use kdm then uxlaunch should do that role. Distributions seem to launch desktop sessions like this:


ck-launch-session dbus-launch startactive


I tried that in a x86 Meego image it the kde agent simply stopped working (could not authenticate). I wonder why everybody on the Internet suggests doing that, maybe uxlaunch does not support console-kit.

> what happens is that the kde polkit authentication agent fails with this

> message

> polkit_agent_listener_register: assertion `POLKIT_IS_SUBJECT (subject)

> failed


> so, i tried to rebuild the polkit package making it still use consolekit

> (could even be used until a real solution is found?)


> the status i have now is:

> if i manually launch ck-launch-session, then from the same terminal

> relaunch the authentication agent it does connect.


> if now i launch an application that uses polkit, like the time settings

> dialog it works correctly and i can actually change the time.

> i still didn't manage at all to make polkit authenticate for networkmanager

> (reued to restart kded, plasma-device but nothing)



> so, that's basically how far i could push it,

> this session registration part has to be fixed.


> it's still misterious why this happens only on arm and not on x86, so...

> ideas? ;)


Have you tested downgrading polkit from 0.104 to 0.103?



Lamarque V. Souza
