Hi! I am probably still misunderstanding some things, so I am summarising what I have understood so far of the whole AT-SPI picture. This email functions both as an attempt to find possible misunderstandings, and as an explanation why it is important for KDE to move AT-SPI onto D-Bus. Please correct all wrong assumptions, and keep in mind that I have no power to tell Trolltech what to do with AT-SPI. Imaging a new, much improved version of kmousetool talking to KOffice on a KDE desktop on FreeBSD or IBM AIX. The GNOME accessibility team suggests to implement AT-SPI support in Qt by linking to ATK. This requires significant changes in glib and/or ORBit2, and significant effort for the Qt-ATK bridge. It would also only deal with the application side. Doing a move to D-Bus later would be the same amount of work as doing it now, meaning that going for D-Bus directly takes significantly fewer resources altogether. GNOME applications read a gconf key to check whether AT-SPI is enabled. Do they also watch changes of the gconf keys during runtime in case the setting gets changed? And what do non-GNOME applications do instead? The assistive technologies use Bonobo-activation to start the AT-SPI registry. Does this mean either linking to libbonobo or reimplementing it with a different ORB? There is no complete C++ ORB that runs on all platform KDE targets, which means we have five options: 1. Abandon all plans that we have for assistive technologies. 2. Put a lot of work into a solution that works on only some of our target platforms. 3. Make KDE applications support both Bonobo-AT-SPI and D-Bus-AT-SPI. This would mean doing twice the work for only half a solution, because GNOME applications would still fail to work with KDE-based assistive technologies. 4. Write an incompatible version of AT-SPI. 5. Convince GNOME to join us in our move to D-Bus, which means work on the framework now, but significantly fewer work for the authors of KDE-based ATs later. The GNOME accessibility team suggests to make the CORBA- and Bonobo-based version of AT-SPI a part of the LSB standard, which also means standardising all dependencies of the AT-SPI registry. Which exactly are these? The LSB requires interfaces to be around for at least 6 years, which means that a D-Bus-based version of AT-SPI would be non-standard until at least 2013. ORBit2 is described by Michael Meeks as not sufficiently documented, virtually unmaintained and only a "subset" of the OMG specification. Which role does Michael Meeks have among the ORBit2 developers? I once suggested to reduce the number of dependencies the AT-SPI registry has, and Bill Haneman answered that this doesn't make sense since our long-term goal is D-Bus anyway. Or did I misunderstand him? Bill also say that a D-Bus-based variant of AT-SPI is not a real AT-SPI. How does this fit to the agreed "many worlds" approach? Or did he only mean that we should use an IDL compiler for themove to D-Bus? I know that the GNOME team has spent a lot of time for discussing interoperability with KDE, and I truly thankful for that. I also appreciate the offer for constructive discussion of the obstacles towards AT-SPI use in Qt and KDE. And please don't see our push for a D-Bus-based as an attempt to create incompatibilities. Quite the contrary - it is a compliment that we plan to make the excellent work of the GNOME accessibility team useful for us. Summary: My fear is that implementing the AT-SPI support in Qt via ATK initially will make it impossible to prevent LSB cementation of Bonobo-AT-SPI, which would totally evaporate the goodwill towards AT-SPI that we have build within the KDE community. Making the decision to go directly for D-Bus is certainly not popular with everyone, but it might be the wisest course in a long-term perspective. Olaf -- Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility co-maintainer, open standards accessibility networker, Protestant theology student and webmaster of http://accessibility.kde.org/ and http://www.amen-online.de/ _______________________________________________ kde-accessibility mailing list kde-accessibility@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-accessibility