Hi Everyone: As a few of you may already be aware, I will be on a leave of absence for two months, starting immediately after today. In my absence, please direct questions regarding Gnome accessibility to the gnome-accessibility-list@gnome.org, and questions specific to accessibility development to gnome-accessibility-devel@gnome.org. Patrick Wade of Sun will be helping facilitate during my absence, but I am sure that he would be very grateful of any technical assistance which other members of the community can provide in order to keep things on track for Gnome 2.14.1 and the upcoming 2.15 series. In preparation for my leave I have updated the Gnome Accessibility website (http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap) to be a little more readable and, I hope, to point developers to the resources which we have available. We certainly hope to continue upgrading our developer documentation going forward. I have also updated the ATK and AT-SPI documentation in the just-released atk-1.11.4 and at-spi-1.7.7 releases, including doxygen HTML docs for the AT-SPI IDL. Links to online versions of these docs are available on the 'GAP' website above (though the latest ATK docs will probably still be found in the tarball, since the online docs are for the 1.11.0 version, which contained numerous documentation deficiencies). While I'll mostly be off the air during this period, and will unsubscribe from most mailing lists, I will occasionally check on status of any urgent matters, and will continue to attend meetings of the Free Standards Group which are aimed at moving the cause of desktop accessibility forward in a standards-based and readily shareable way. Thanks to everyone for their continued support, Best regards Bill _______________________________________________ kde-accessibility mailing list kde-accessibility@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-accessibility