Olaf was supposed to apply the patches. I do not know what happenned. Please feel free to apply those. They are ok. Sarang On Thursday 28 August 2003 09:28 am, Gunnar Schmi Dt wrote: > Hello Sarang, hello Olaf, > > I did not hear anything to my last question (from Tuesday evening), so I do > not know what you have discussed (if at all) concerning the two outstanding > patches. > > As the feature freeze is on September 1st we need to hurry a little bit. > (After the freeze date only features of the feature-list and bug fixes can > be added.) > > In the meantime I have modified the user interface patch to include changes > according to the user interface guideline. > > If I do not hear anything from you I will commit this (changed) patch and > the patch for the selection window on Sunday. > > I attach both patches to this mail, so you can know what I am talking > about. > > Gunnar Schmi Dt -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sarang Lakare mailto:sarang@users#sourceforge.net web:http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~lsarang/linux !!Join the fight for freedom - Go GNU/Linux!! _______________________________________________ kde-accessibility mailing list kde-accessibility@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-accessibility