-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Bonjours! Personne reprendait pas - est-ce qu'il y a un problème? Philippe, I am very worried because there has not been a response to my mail for five days now. Could you send them a french mail asking them whether they received my mail, or whether there is any problem? Both Gunnar and I are students, so if we have to pay one of the train tickets ourselves, then we really need to buy it soon if we don't wish to spend too much money. Also, could you ask them whether they can reserve a double room and allow us to pay the difference, or where we might get cheap accomodation in Soissons if that's impossible? Thanks, Olaf. [Olaf Schmidt] > [Francois Desarmenien] > > > Le problème est que nous ne pouvons assurer le transport/hebergement > > que pour une personne. > > Sure - that's understandable :-) > (C'est intelligible.) > > Both of us - Gunnar and Olaf Schmidt - would like to attend > nevertheless. (Nous deux - Gunnar et Olaf Schmidt - désirons participer > malgré cela.) > > We will split the charges for transport and accomodation then. > (Nous veux faire les parts des dépenses des transport/hebergement.) > > Is it possible that you book a double room for us, if we then pay the > difference to a single room? How much would that be? > (Est-ce possible que vous réservez une chambre à grand lit, si nous > payons la différence? Combien est-ce que ca?) > > One of us will then pay the transport himself. > (Un des deux nous va payer le transport en personne.) > > Mit freien ;-) Grüßen > (Librement) > > Gunnar Schmidt > Olaf Schmidt - -- Olaf Schmidt, KDE Accessibility Project KDEAP co-maintainer, maintainer of http://accessibility.kde.org -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iEYEARECAAYFAj6+rCAACgkQoLYC8AehV8eC3QCgoh51e/GyLfzLlUPkylvQdvdA 52wAoIsu11dyLZUWf0x1NSHLVOhvIEzL =sDrf -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ kde-accessibility mailing list kde-accessibility@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-accessibility