-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 This mails goes mainly to Bill. We're here trying to understand the whole picture of ATK and at-spi and be aware that we're not really familiar with the GTK and GNOME api/classes/objects. I have a couple of questions: Are the gnome/gtk objects a group of structs and plain functions named like the structs ? for example: struct GtkObject; void gtk_object_unref (GtkObject *object); void gtk_object_weakref (GtkObject *object, GtkDestroyNotify notify, gpointer data); Then, according to http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap/guide/gad/index.html when I have a widget, a gtk widget that doesn't have any accessibility features I have to do something like this: AtkObject *obj; obj = gtk_widget_get_accessible (button); atk_object_set_name(obj, _("Close")); atk_object_set_description (obj, _("Closes the window")); so I imagine that what gail does it do that for all the widget that exists, for example, do that for a button, so, people doesn't have to do it by themselves. As it is said, it is load when is required and if not (no atk calls are made|empty atk calls are made). So, we should put that code somewhere (still don't know where) but my main question is that we'll need a AtkObject *QWidget::getAccessible() function (or AtkObject *QObject::getAccessible() function), right ? That stats that QWidget or QObject should understand about AtkObject (as GtkWidget does), right ? well, that's not going to happen :\ Should we then, get a QAccessibleObject object and make katk 'cast' it to an AtkObject ? Thank you. - -- Pupeno: pupeno@pupeno.com http://www.pupeno.com - --- Help the hungry children of Argentina, please go to (and make it your homepage): http://www.porloschicos.com/servlet/PorLosChicos?comando=donar -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQE95ClYLr8z5XzmSDQRAoFcAJ9wOf7+kxgjnbgUPuz2o9vsS3RV5ACeMdsj t2Ku4MxcatyGatLjAIVYR1s= =qQth -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ kde-accessibility mailing list kde-accessibility@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-accessibility