I don't want to flog a dead horse here, but...why do you use ANY KDE app? Why use KDE at all if you don't care about how your apps integrate with your environment? If it doesn't matter to you, remove KDE, install windowmaker, qt, gtk and run your apps. Nothing will integrate well, though everything will run. You will also save drive space. The whole point to the ENVIRONMENT part of KDE (and GNOME) is integration of function and apps. Consistency. All the niceties of other modern systems. If that doesn't matter to you, then there is no point to installing the _environment_ in the first place, regardless of which one. I have a lot of non-kde apps on my system. I would love for each of the graphical apps to be fully integrated with the ENVIRONMENT of KDE (or Gnome if I was using that). A GUI inteface is NOT an app, it is window dressing and can be changed. A GUI is NOT sacrosanct. It is merely a graphical interface to the REAL app. Why shouldn't any and ALL GUIs be alterable/modifiable so as to work with the environment one prefers - so they ALL use the SAME widget set. This doesn't change the app, just the look and feel. The app is still there doing what it always did only now someone changed its GUI. I like Xephem. Nice astronomy app but I freakin' HATE the motif GUI. I would MUCH prefer even a gtk frontend, though better yet, a qt frontend to it. I use it but, damn it, it is FUGLY and not integratable into my overal environment. Now that StarOffice is going GPL, I am hoping someone will replace _its'_ GUI with a qt-based one too. It would STILL run, regardless of GUI, but with a change, it would fit into the ENVIRONMENT. Once KOffice is really up to snuff, can nicely import and export word documents (fruits of StarOffice GPL, one hopes), and if I like it, I will switch to it, but until that time, I use StarOffice. I do NOT like how it doesn't go with my environment (ignoring for the moment that Start button crap and its monolithic design). As for the rest, if it is GPL, then it doesn't matter what the personal feelings of the creator(s) are, the GPL stipulates exactly what can be done with the code. In any case, as I read an interview with one of the creators of Gimp (doing a google search for kimageshope brought up the link about an interview with one of the Gimp creators), he specifically stated that they were trying to untie the code from requiring any particular environment. As a matter of fact, the tone of that interview, plus the actual content, indicated that he (or they) would NOT be upset if someone did what I mentioned. I am not concerned with pissing off Stallman or others of his radical ilk, for instance. It is impossible to NOT piss them off unless you agree with EVERYTHING that comes out of his mouth. What he has is opinion, not LAW FROM ON HIGH. As has also come out in some of these posts, there are those in the Gnome "camp" that are rabidly against KDE and anything qt, clones of Stallman, and those with a more reasonable turn of mind. Why should one cave in to the one group and ignore the other? Why give ONE SUBSET so much pull rather than do what the majority of more reasonable minds are agreeable with or unconcerned about? Change the GUI widget set would NOT change the actual app, just its look, feel, etc. Big deal. Gnome and KDE are separate, and because of silly political, unreasonable nonsense, at odds with each other, irrespective of a subset of the groups that are not problematic. If they (Gimpsters) don't like what someone does with GPL code for personal reasons or political reasons, rather than LEGAL reasons, then they should not have released the code under the GPL. They should have "protected" it from "perversion". They have to take the thorns as well as the bud with their roses. I shall do what I will, which may or may not be to port gimp to qt. With the time and patience, I am sure I can do it, newbie that I am. When KimageShop is available and useable, and it does what gimp does equally well, then the point is moot and I wont bother. I guess it depends on whether someone else beats me to it or if Kimageshop beats me (which could EASILY be likely). Someone TELLING me not to do something that is CLEARLY allowed by the GPL and reasonable is just about the best way in the world to convince me to do it faster. What, are they going to beat me up? -----Original Message----- From: Glen Ogilvie To: KDE general mailing list Sent: 8/4/00 4:09 PM Subject: RE: KDE2 license policy On Sat, 05 Aug 2000, Patrick O Neil wrote: > No. Unless you are constantly changing window managers and/or environments, > then > all you would do is download the version that integrates properly with your > selected environment. All very well in theory, but, Patrick, many applications only have one version, for either Gnome or KDE, and don't have two versions. Without the choice to download the version I want, I have to just use the other one. Currently, I have applications like Xchat, and Download for X, both of which use Gnome. They don't appear to be available for KDE, and why should I care? They are on my Kpanel, I click on them, they work. I don't have to change window managers, or anything that complicated, I just run them from whatever enviroment or window manager I am using, including things like Window maker. Sure, they use a slightly different skin.... oh, if only I could get the same skins on the KDE version I use. (I know KDE2 will have better skin support) IMHO I am also very sure that developers should be respected, and if they don't like someone rewriting their code, then don't. Glen Ogilive -- Send posts to: kde@lists.netcentral.net Send all commands to: kde-request@lists.netcentral.net Put your command in the SUBJECT of the message: "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "set digest on", or "set digest off" PLEASE READ THE ARCHIVED MESSAGES AT http://lists.kde.org/ BEFORE POSTING ********************************************************************** This list is from your pals at NetCentral -- Send posts to: kde@lists.netcentral.net Send all commands to: kde-request@lists.netcentral.net Put your command in the SUBJECT of the message: "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "set digest on", or "set digest off" PLEASE READ THE ARCHIVED MESSAGES AT http://lists.kde.org/ BEFORE POSTING ********************************************************************** This list is from your pals at NetCentral