On Sun, 25 Jul 1999, Marcin Gozdalik wrote: > Could you then explain me how to use the supplied "Configurator"? (it's > invoked by using wheel somewhere on the root window, (wallpaper in KDE?= )). Well, that part I don't understand myself, I edit the config file by hand... > I can't figure out how it works. Or maybe editing the > /etc/imwheelrc by hand is easier? I don't understand the idea of > having three fields associated to one mouse event: isn't it simpler > to have just two fields: modifiers & keysym? I still can't figure > out how to send Shift+PgUp to konsole instead of sending PgUp which > shows ugly '~' sign and doesn't scroll the text up. Maybe you could > help me? Thanks. Hmm, I would have to check that at home, I don't know how it works by head. But I'm sure you can find it out with the man page, just as I did... :-) --=20 Stefan van den Oord s.m.vandenoord@student.utwente.nl -- Send posts to: kde@lists.netcentral.net Send all commands to: kde-request@lists.netcentral.net Put your command in the SUBJECT of the message: "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "set digest on", or "set digest off" PLEASE READ THE ARCHIVED MESSAGES AT http://lists.kde.org/ BEFORE POSTING ********************************************************************** This list is from your pals at NetCentral