Stefan van den Oord wrote: > On Tue, 06 Jul 1999, Mosfet wrote: > > You think this turned into a flame?? No, for a group of what seems to be > > primarily Linux users this was a relatively calm exchange ;-) Note I use Linux > > too... > > Of course, we can always try and make it a flame. :o) > > I think it is arrogant to state that Mac menubars are bad GUI design. > The reason I think this is that Apple is using them a long, long time > now. And keeps using them. Apple has a history of _very_ good GUI > design. They always considered it very important. Well, Microsoft > does so as well, but in another way; they go for the features, not > for consitency. Which I call _bad_ GUI design. > > Ok, you can jump on me now :-) Sure, why not? ;-) It may be arrogant to *point out* that it's bad GUI design, but that has nothing to do with the fact that it does happen to be bad GUI design. Don't be so surprised. Windows has been using bad design elements for a long time as well. Shockingly, Microsoft has also come up with one or two GOOD design elements as well ("law of averages"... it was bound to happen) . It makes sense to me that the Macintosh crowd would eschew these, because adopting them would be ... well ... "un-Mac-ish". As for Apple's history of good GUI design, you might want to check out As you can see, nobody's perfect. -- -- Send posts to: Send all commands to: Put your command in the SUBJECT of the message: "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "set digest on", or "set digest off" PLEASE READ THE ARCHIVED MESSAGES AT BEFORE POSTING ********************************************************************** This list is from your pals at NetCentral