dep wrote: [...] > |decision. This is an issue with the FSSTND, not RH (except, again, insofar > |as RH has decided to follow the FSSTND -- which, again, most people tend to > |consider a good thing). > > red hat alone among distributions follows this phony-baloney > standard. and red hat alone is receiving complaints for having done > so. so it seems as if practically no one considers it a good thing. >I< consider it a good thing and I am not a Redhat employee. There is NO need for /opt. /opt is redundant with /usr/local/. All opt tends to carry is kde and/or pgcc. Nothing else so far in my linux-life. EVERYTHING of any importance or use from joe blow gets installed, almost invariably, into /usr/local. /usr/local is a perfect place for ALL addon software, including gnome and kde. /opt is bizarre, unneeded, and redundant with no meaningful argument to support it. Does ANYTHING work better simply because there is an /opt directory? No. What gets installed in /opt ? One or two apps as far as I can tell. It would be a good thing if ALL distros followed a reasonable standard (like FSSTND). It does NO harm. Following it does not reduce the power or useability of ANY distro and not following it does NOT make a distro easier or faster to use. This is all pointless in any case, not answering the actual question...simply making a silly attack on a linux distro. Brilliant. patrick -- Send posts to: Send all commands to: Put your command in the SUBJECT of the message: "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "set digest on", or "set digest off" PLEASE READ THE ARCHIVED MESSAGES AT BEFORE POSTING ********************************************************************** This list is from your pals at NetCentral