Montreal Fri Apr 23 19:08:12 1999 On Fri, Apr 23, 1999 at 10:47:33PM +0200, Martin Konold wrote: > It's a cute (yet unnamed) dragon. The idea was to create a animated "Konold" makes for a good dragon name, I think. :) -N. -- "These download files are in Microsoft Word 6.0 format. After unzipping, these files can be viewed in any text editor, including all versions of Microsoft Word, WordPad, and Microsoft Word Viewer." [Microsoft website] < > -- Send posts to: Send all commands to: Put your command in the SUBJECT of the message: "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "set digest on", or "set digest off" PLEASE READ THE ARCHIVED MESSAGES AT BEFORE POSTING ********************************************************************** This list is from your pals at NetCentral