On Friday 18 April 2014 9:51:21 AM Kevin Krammer wrote:

> On Friday, 2014-04-18, 09:09:11, O.Sinclair wrote:

> > to me it boils down to: who in the name of all possible higher powers do

> > really sit and "tag" their files? So far I know noone who does and that

> > includes me.


> I think it is important to consider that tags are not the only metadata a

> file can have.


> Quite some metadata is automatic, either inherent in the actual data itself

> of attached as part of the storage format.


> Music has duration, genre, artist, probably rating, etc.

> Pictures have size, timestamp, potentially geo information, also rating,

> etc.


> Tags are only one kind of information that can be associated with a piece of

> user data.

> Dismissing a concept because one form of input isn't used is to me a bit

> like saying there is no use for computers because nobody re-types all their

> handwritten letters.

> As if computers could only ever be used to write text documents :)


> Cheers,

> Kevin

good point and I am happy to acknowledge that I do use desktop search (nepomuk, now baloo) frequently. Despite the lack of tag search.


Still, why enable tagging but no tag search? And I still will say that the whole desktop search actually is a "power user" thing. Does not mean that computers are not used instead of handwriting but that many users are not even aware of the "superkey" in Windows or the ALT-F2 in KDE.


Still, to get off my ranting:

1. there is a known bug in Baloo that sometimes creates bad disk access, search it as I can not remember the exact cause

2. in my opinion Baloo is a far better concept than Nepomuk

3. I do not agree on the "simplified" kcm, I liked the old one better

4. and I think semantic search should be disabled for the user to enable by default, not the other way around