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List:       jedit-cvs
Subject:    [ jEdit-commits ] SF.net SVN: jedit:[25642] plugins/Beauty/trunk
From:       daleanson--- via jEdit-CVS <jedit-cvs () lists ! sourceforge ! net>
Date:       2023-08-21 0:42:44
Message-ID: 1692578564.453996.21825 () sfp-scm-1 ! v30 ! lw ! sourceforge ! com
[Download RAW message or body]

Revision: 25642
Author:   daleanson
Date:     2023-08-21 00:42:44 +0000 (Mon, 21 Aug 2023)
Log Message:
Updated build files to make it easier to release the plugin.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: plugins/Beauty/trunk/ant_java_test.xml
--- plugins/Beauty/trunk/ant_java_test.xml	2023-08-21 00:21:04 UTC (rev 25641)
+++ plugins/Beauty/trunk/ant_java_test.xml	2023-08-21 00:42:44 UTC (rev 25642)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 <project name="java_test" default="test" basedir="." xmlns:if="ant:if" \
-    Java Tests
+=====     Java Tests     =====     
    <!-- ========================================================================

Modified: plugins/Beauty/trunk/ant_json_test.xml
--- plugins/Beauty/trunk/ant_json_test.xml	2023-08-21 00:21:04 UTC (rev 25641)
+++ plugins/Beauty/trunk/ant_json_test.xml	2023-08-21 00:42:44 UTC (rev 25642)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 <project name="json_test" default="test" basedir="." xmlns:if="ant:if" \
-    JSON Tests
+=====     JSON Tests     =====
    <!-- ========================================================================

Added: plugins/Beauty/trunk/beauty_build.xml
--- plugins/Beauty/trunk/beauty_build.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ plugins/Beauty/trunk/beauty_build.xml	2023-08-21 00:42:44 UTC (rev 25642)
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+<project name="Beauty" default="dist" basedir="." xmlns:if="ant:if" \
xmlns:unless="ant:unless"> +    <!-- read build.props to override properties set \
below --> +    <property file="../build.properties"/>
+    <property file="build.properties"/>
+    <!-- default location of jedit.jar -->
+    <property name="jedit.install.dir" value="../.."/>
+    <!-- jar name -->
+    <property name="jar.name" value="${ant.project.name}.jar"/>
+    <!-- version number -->
+    <property name="build.num" value="0.2.0"/>
+    <!-- where to put the finished plugin -->
+    <property name="install.dir" value=".." />
+    <!-- source code directory, this is where the .java files live -->
+    <property name="src.dir" location="src" />
+    <!-- parser source code directory, this is where the .jj file lives -->
+    <property name="parser.src.dir" location="${src.dir}/beauty/parsers"/>
+    <!-- temporary directory for post-compile processing -->
+    <property name="temp" location="temp"/>
+    <!-- configuration directory, this is where the configuration files for the
+      plugin are placed for additional processing prior to getting jarred. -->
+    <property name="config.dir" location="${temp}/config" />
+    <!-- documentation directory, this is where the plugin documentation
+      files live. Files in this directory will be distributed with the plugin -->
+    <property name="doc.dir" location="${temp}/docs" />
+    <!-- the directory for the compiled classes. Files in this directory will be
+      included in the finished jar file. -->
+    <property name="classes.dir" location="${temp}/classes" />
+    <property name="target.version" value="11"/>
+    <condition property="can.reload.plugins">
+        <and>
+            <available classname="org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit"/>
+            <available classname="ReloadPluginTask"/>
+        </and>
+    </condition>
+   <!-- ========================================================================
+      Target: set classpath
+   ========================================================================= -->
+    <target name="setClasspath">
+        <path id="classpathref">
+         <!-- required locations/jars -->
+            <pathelement location="${classes.dir}" />
+            <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
+         <!-- required for jEdit plugin -->
+            <pathelement location="${jedit.install.dir}/jedit.jar" />
+         <!-- dependencies -->
+         <pathelement location="${jedit.plugins.dir}/kappalayout.jar"/>
+		 <pathelement location="${jedit.plugins.dir}/antlr-4.10.1-complete.jar"/>
+        </path>
+    </target>
+   <!-- ========================================================================
+      Target: compile
+   ========================================================================= -->
+    <target name="compile"
+            description="Compile"
+            depends="init,setClasspath">
+        <!-- this is to use google's ErrorProne compiler plugin, which turns out 
+        to be less useful than PMD.
+        <path id="processorpath.ref">
+          <pathelement \
 +          <pathelement \
location="${user.home}/apps/apache-ant-1.10.12/lib/dataflow-errorprone-3.15.0.jar"/> \
+        </path> +        
+        <javac deprecation="on"
+                debug="on"
+                nowarn="on"
+                fork="yes"
+                destdir="${classes.dir}"
+                srcdir="${src.dir}"
+                includeantruntime="no"
+                target="${target.version}"
+                source="${target.version}">
+           <classpath refid="classpathref" />
+          <compilerarg value="-XDcompilePolicy=simple"/>
+          <compilerarg value="-processorpath"/>
+          <compilerarg pathref="processorpath.ref"/>
+          <compilerarg value="-Xplugin:ErrorProne -Xep:DeadException:ERROR" />
+          should be dashJdashdashadd but of course dashdash isn't allowed in \
comments, because WTF, that would make sense +          <compilerarg value="-J- \
-add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api=ALL-UNNAMED" /> +          \
<compilerarg value="-J- \
-add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.file=ALL-UNNAMED" /> +          \
<compilerarg value="-J- \
-add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main=ALL-UNNAMED" /> +          \
<compilerarg value="-J- \
-add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.model=ALL-UNNAMED" /> +          \
<compilerarg value="-J- \
-add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.parser=ALL-UNNAMED" /> +          \
<compilerarg value="-J- \
-add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.processing=ALL-UNNAMED" /> +          \
<compilerarg value="-J- \
-add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.tree=ALL-UNNAMED" /> +          \
<compilerarg value="-J- \
-add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.util=ALL-UNNAMED" /> +          \
<compilerarg value="-J- -add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.code=ALL-UNNAMED" \
/> +          <compilerarg value="-J- \
-add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.comp=ALL-UNNAMED" /> +        </javac>    \
 +        -->
+        <javac deprecation="on"
+                debug="on"
+                nowarn="on"
+                fork="yes"
+                destdir="${classes.dir}"
+                srcdir="${src.dir}"
+                includeantruntime="no"
+                target="${target.version}"
+                source="${target.version}">
+            <classpath refid="classpathref" />
+        </javac>
+    </target>
+   <!-- ========================================================================
+      Target: javacc clean and create
+   ========================================================================= -->
+    <target name="javacc_clean">
+        <delete>
+            <fileset dir="${parser.src.dir}/java">
+                <include name="*.java"/>
+                <exclude name="Token.java"/>
+                <exclude name="ModifierSet.java"/>
+            </fileset>
+            <fileset dir="${parser.src.dir}/javacc">
+                <include name="*.java"/>
+                <exclude name="Token.java"/>
+                <exclude name="ModifierSet.java"/>
+            </fileset>
+        </delete>
+    </target>
+    <target name="javacc" description="Runs javacc">
+        <condition property="javacchome.set">
+            <isset property="javacchome"/>
+        </condition>
+        <fail unless="javacchome.set" message="Property 'javacchome' needs to be \
set."/> +        <javacc javacchome="${javacchome}" \
target="./src/beauty/parsers/java/Java1.5.jj"/> +        <javacc \
javacchome="${javacchome}" target="./src/beauty/parsers/javacc/JavaCC.jj"/> +        \
<javacc javacchome="${javacchome}" target="./src/beauty/parsers/html/HtmlParser.jj"/> \
+        <javacc javacchome="${javacchome}" \
target="./src/beauty/parsers/css/CSS3Parser.jj"/> +        <javacc \
javacchome="${javacchome}" target="./src/beauty/parsers/bsh/bsh.jj"/> +        \
<javacc javacchome="${javacchome}" target="./src/beauty/parsers/jsp/jsp.jj"/> +    \
</target> +
+   <!-- ========================================================================
+      Target: dist
+      creates jar file suitable for dropping into jEdit, and puts it up one
+      directory level
+   ========================================================================= -->
+    <target name="dist"
+            description="Compiles, jars, puts the jar in the jEdit jars directory."
+            depends="clean,init,compile,prep_files,test">
+        <!-- make the plugin jar file -->
+        <tstamp/>
+        <jar jarfile="${install.dir}/${ant.project.name}.jar">
+            <manifest>
+                <attribute name="AppName" value="${ant.project.name}" />
+                <attribute name="AppVersion" value="${build.num}" />
+                <attribute name="Author" value="Dale Anson" />
+                <attribute name="Created-By" value="${user.name}" />
+                <attribute name="Created-On" value="${TODAY}"/>
+            </manifest>
+            <!-- include everything in the build directory -->
+            <fileset dir="${classes.dir}">
+                <include name="**/*" />
+            </fileset>
+            <!-- include everything in the config directory-->
+            <fileset dir="${config.dir}">
+                <include name="**/*" />
+            </fileset>
+            <!-- include everything in the doc directory -->
+            <fileset dir="${doc.dir}">
+                <include name="**/*" />
+            </fileset>
+            <!-- include custom beautifier properties files -->
+            <fileset dir="${src.dir}">
+                <include name="beauty/beautifiers/custom/*.properties"/>
+            </fileset>
+        </jar>
+        <antcall target="reload"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="reload" if="can.reload.plugins">
+        <echo>Reloading ${install.dir}/${ant.project.name}.jar</echo>
+        <taskdef name="reloadPlugin" classname="ReloadPluginTask"/>
+        <reloadPlugin jarfile="${install.dir}/${jar.name}"/>
+    </target>
+   <!-- ========================================================================
+      Target: prep_files
+      prepares certain files for distribution by doing string replacement.
+      Assumes that the configuration files and documentation files are ready.
+   ========================================================================= -->
+    <target name="prep_files">
+        <echo>preparing files</echo>
+        <!-- clean out the config and doc deployment directories -->
+        <delete>
+            <fileset dir="${config.dir}" includes="**/*"/>
+            <fileset dir="${doc.dir}" includes="**/*"/>
+        </delete>
+        <!-- copy the config  files to deployment directory
+        CHANGED: apparently, having a 'src/config' directory to hold the \
configuration +        files is too confusing, so now they are dumped in basedir, \
along with +        any other crud that may or may not be part of the deployment \
package. +        Now need to explicitly name the proper files, so we don't pick up \
the +        crud.
+        -->
+        <copy todir="${config.dir}">
+            <fileset dir="${basedir}">
+                <include name="Beauty.props"/>
+                <include name="actions.xml"/>
+                <include name="lang_*.properties"/>
+                <include name="services.xml"/>
+            </fileset>
+        </copy>
+        <!-- copy the docs -->
+        <copy todir="${doc.dir}/docs" overwrite="yes">
+            <fileset dir="${src.dir}/docs">
+                <include name="**/*"/>
+            </fileset>
+        </copy>
+    </target>
+   <!-- ========================================================================
+      Target: clean
+      deletes all files from the temp directory
+   ========================================================================= -->
+    <target name="clean" description="Delete all files from the classes directory.">
+        <!-- delete old directories that may still be hanging around.  These
+        caused some confusion. -->
+        <delete dir="config"/>
+        <delete dir="docs"/>
+        <delete dir="${temp}/config"/>
+        <delete dir="${temp}/docs"/>
+        <delete dir="${temp}/classes/beauty"/>
+        <delete dir="${temp}/classes/outerbeauty"/>
+        <delete dir="${temp}/classes/docs"/>
+    </target>
+   <!-- ========================================================================
+      Target: init
+      this target creates the directories needed for this project and
+      only needs to be done once.
+   ========================================================================= -->
+    <target name="init"
+            description="Create directory structure.">
+        <fail unless="jedit.install.dir" message="Please set jedit.install.dir \
property."/> +        <mkdir dir="${src.dir}" />
+        <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}" />
+        <mkdir dir="${doc.dir}" />
+        <mkdir dir="${config.dir}" />
+    </target>
+    <!-- this is for local testing of individual files, note hard-coded path to test \
file --> +    <target name="run"
+            description="Run the application."
+            depends="setClasspath">
+        <java classname="beauty.parsers.java.java.JavaParserBeautyListener" \
fork="true"> +            <classpath refid="classpathref"/>
+            <arg file="/home/danson/src/jedit/plugins/Beauty/test/test_files/BasicClass2.java"/>
 +            <!--
+            <arg file="/home/danson/src/jedit/plugins/Beauty/test/test_files/java/before/AllInOne7.java"/>
 +            -->
+        </java>
+    </target>
+    <target name="all" depends="javacc,dist"/>
+    <target name="test">
+        <ant antfile="ant_java_test.xml" />
+        <ant antfile="ant_json_test.xml" />
+    </target>

Modified: plugins/Beauty/trunk/build.xml
--- plugins/Beauty/trunk/build.xml	2023-08-21 00:21:04 UTC (rev 25641)
+++ plugins/Beauty/trunk/build.xml	2023-08-21 00:42:44 UTC (rev 25642)
@@ -1,315 +1,78 @@
-<project name="Beauty" default="dist" basedir="." xmlns:if="ant:if" \
-    <!-- read build.props to override properties set below -->
-    <property file="../build.properties"/>
-    <property file="build.properties"/>
-    <!-- default location of jedit.jar -->
-    <property name="jedit.install.dir" value="../.."/>
-    <!-- jar name -->
-    <property name="jar.name" value="${ant.project.name}.jar"/>
-    <!-- version number -->
-    <property name="build.num" value="0.2.0"/>
-    <!-- where to put the finished plugin -->
-    <property name="install.dir" value=".." />
-    <!-- source code directory, this is where the .java files live -->
-    <property name="src.dir" location="src" />
-    <!-- parser source code directory, this is where the .jj file lives -->
-    <property name="parser.src.dir" location="${src.dir}/beauty/parsers"/>
-    <!-- temporary directory for post-compile processing -->
-    <property name="temp" location="temp"/>
-    <!-- configuration directory, this is where the configuration files for the
-      plugin are placed for additional processing prior to getting jarred. -->
-    <property name="config.dir" location="${temp}/config" />
-    <!-- documentation directory, this is where the plugin documentation
-      files live. Files in this directory will be distributed with the plugin -->
-    <property name="doc.dir" location="${temp}/docs" />
-    <!-- the directory for the compiled classes. Files in this directory will be
-      included in the finished jar file. -->
-    <property name="classes.dir" location="${temp}/classes" />
-    <property name="target.version" value="11"/>
-    <condition property="can.reload.plugins">
-        <and>
-            <available classname="org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit"/>
-            <available classname="ReloadPluginTask"/>
-        </and>
-    </condition>
-   <!-- ========================================================================
-      Target: set classpath
-   ========================================================================= -->
-    <target name="setClasspath">
-        <path id="classpathref">
-         <!-- required locations/jars -->
-            <pathelement location="${classes.dir}" />
-            <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
-         <!-- required for jEdit plugin -->
-            <pathelement location="${jedit.install.dir}/jedit.jar" />
-         <!-- dependencies -->
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<project name="Beauty" default="dist" basedir=".">
+   <property file="build.properties" />
+   <property file="../build.properties" />
+   <property name="compiler.source" value="11" />
+   <property name="compiler.target" value="11" />
+   <property name="src.dir" value="src" />
+   <!-- Documentation process
+      none: if you supply your own html file as this template does.
+      xsltproc: if you plan on using docbook
+   -->
+   <property name="docs-proc.target" value="none" />
+   <!-- jEdit installation properties. -->
+   <property name="build.support" value=".." />
+   <property name="install.dir" value=".." />
+   <property name="jedit.install.dir" value=".." />
+   <property name="jedit.plugins.dir" value="${install.dir}" />
+   <import file="${build.support}/plugin-build.xml" />
+	<path id="project.class.path">
+		<pathelement location="${jedit.install.dir}/jedit.jar" />
          <pathelement location="${jedit.plugins.dir}/kappalayout.jar"/>
-		 <pathelement location="${jedit.plugins.dir}/antlr-4.10.1-complete.jar"/>
-        </path>
-    </target>
+		<pathelement location="${install.dir}/antlr-4.10.1-complete.jar"/>
+	</path>
-   <!-- ========================================================================
-      Target: compile
-   ========================================================================= -->
-    <target name="compile"
-            description="Compile"
-            depends="init,setClasspath">
-        <!-- this is to use google's ErrorProne compiler plugin, which turns out 
-        to be less useful than PMD.
-        <path id="processorpath.ref">
-          <pathelement \
-          <pathelement \
-        </path>
-        <javac deprecation="on"
-                debug="on"
-                nowarn="on"
-                fork="yes"
-                destdir="${classes.dir}"
-                srcdir="${src.dir}"
-                includeantruntime="no"
-                target="${target.version}"
-                source="${target.version}">
-           <classpath refid="classpathref" />
-          <compilerarg value="-XDcompilePolicy=simple"/>
-          <compilerarg value="-processorpath"/>
-          <compilerarg pathref="processorpath.ref"/>
-          <compilerarg value="-Xplugin:ErrorProne -Xep:DeadException:ERROR" />
-          should be dashJdashdashadd but of course dashdash isn't allowed in \
                comments, because WTF, that would make sense
-          <compilerarg value="-J- \
                -add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api=ALL-UNNAMED" />
-          <compilerarg value="-J- \
                -add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.file=ALL-UNNAMED" />
-          <compilerarg value="-J- \
                -add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main=ALL-UNNAMED" />
-          <compilerarg value="-J- \
                -add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.model=ALL-UNNAMED" />
-          <compilerarg value="-J- \
                -add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.parser=ALL-UNNAMED" />
-          <compilerarg value="-J- \
                -add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.processing=ALL-UNNAMED" \
-          <compilerarg value="-J- \
                -add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.tree=ALL-UNNAMED" />
-          <compilerarg value="-J- \
                -add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.util=ALL-UNNAMED" />
-          <compilerarg value="-J- \
                -add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.code=ALL-UNNAMED" />
-          <compilerarg value="-J- \
                -add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.comp=ALL-UNNAMED" />
-        </javac>            
-        -->
-        <javac deprecation="on"
-                debug="on"
-                nowarn="on"
-                fork="yes"
-                destdir="${classes.dir}"
-                srcdir="${src.dir}"
-                includeantruntime="no"
-                target="${target.version}"
-                source="${target.version}">
-            <classpath refid="classpathref" />
-        </javac>
-        <copy todir="${classes.dir}/docs" overwrite="no">
+	<target name="build.prepare">
+    <echo>
+*****                  *****
+*****   First pass...  *****
+*****                  *****
+    </echo>
+        <ant antfile="beauty_build.xml" target="dist"/>	
+		<mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
+        <copy todir="${build.docs}/docs" overwrite="yes">
             <fileset dir="${src.dir}/docs">
                 <include name="**/*"/>
-    </target>
-   <!-- ========================================================================
-      Target: javacc clean and create
-   ========================================================================= -->
-    <target name="javacc_clean">
-        <delete>
-            <fileset dir="${parser.src.dir}/java">
-                <include name="*.java"/>
-                <exclude name="Token.java"/>
-                <exclude name="ModifierSet.java"/>
-            </fileset>
-            <fileset dir="${parser.src.dir}/javacc">
-                <include name="*.java"/>
-                <exclude name="Token.java"/>
-                <exclude name="ModifierSet.java"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </delete>
-    </target>
-    <target name="javacc" description="Runs javacc">
-        <condition property="javacchome.set">
-            <isset property="javacchome"/>
-        </condition>
-        <fail unless="javacchome.set" message="Property 'javacchome' needs to be \
-        <javacc javacchome="${javacchome}" \
-        <javacc javacchome="${javacchome}" \
-        <javacc javacchome="${javacchome}" \
-        <javacc javacchome="${javacchome}" \
-        <javacc javacchome="${javacchome}" \
-        <javacc javacchome="${javacchome}" \
-    </target>
-   <!-- ========================================================================
-      Target: dist
-      creates jar file suitable for dropping into jEdit, and puts it up one
-      directory level
-   ========================================================================= -->
-    <target name="dist"
-            description="Compiles, jars, puts the jar in the jEdit jars directory."
-            depends="clean,init,compile,prep_files,test">
-        <!-- make the plugin jar file -->
-        <tstamp/>
-        <jar jarfile="${install.dir}/${ant.project.name}.jar">
-            <manifest>
-                <attribute name="AppName" value="${ant.project.name}" />
-                <attribute name="AppVersion" value="${build.num}" />
-                <attribute name="Author" value="Dale Anson" />
-                <attribute name="Created-By" value="${user.name}" />
-                <attribute name="Created-On" value="${TODAY}"/>
-            </manifest>
-            <!-- include everything in the build directory -->
-            <fileset dir="${classes.dir}">
-                <include name="**/*" />
-            </fileset>
-            <!-- include everything in the config directory-->
-            <fileset dir="${config.dir}">
-                <include name="**/*" />
-            </fileset>
-            <!-- include everything in the doc directory -->
-            <fileset dir="${doc.dir}">
-                <include name="**/*" />
-            </fileset>
-            <!-- include custom beautifier properties files -->
-            <fileset dir="${src.dir}">
-                <include name="beauty/beautifiers/custom/*.properties"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </jar>
-        <antcall target="reload"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="reload" if="can.reload.plugins">
-        <echo>Reloading ${install.dir}/${ant.project.name}.jar</echo>
-        <taskdef name="reloadPlugin" classname="ReloadPluginTask"/>
-        <reloadPlugin jarfile="${install.dir}/${jar.name}"/>
-    </target>
-   <!-- ========================================================================
-      Target: prep_files
-      prepares certain files for distribution by doing string replacement.
-      Assumes that the configuration files and documentation files are ready.
-   ========================================================================= -->
-    <target name="prep_files">
-        <echo>preparing files</echo>
-        <!-- clean out the config and doc deployment directories -->
-        <delete>
-            <fileset dir="${config.dir}" includes="**/*"/>
-            <fileset dir="${doc.dir}" includes="**/*"/>
-        </delete>
-        <!-- copy the config  files to deployment directory
-        CHANGED: apparently, having a 'src/config' directory to hold the \
-        files is too confusing, so now they are dumped in basedir, along with
-        any other crud that may or may not be part of the deployment package.
-        Now need to explicitly name the proper files, so we don't pick up the
-        crud.
-        -->
-        <copy todir="${config.dir}">
+        <copy todir="${build.extras}">
             <fileset dir="${basedir}">
-                <include name="beauty.props"/>
+                <include name="Beauty.props"/>
                 <include name="actions.xml"/>
                 <include name="lang_*.properties"/>
                 <include name="services.xml"/>
-        <!-- copy the docs -->
-        <copy todir="${doc.dir}/docs" overwrite="yes">
-            <fileset dir="${src.dir}/docs">
-                <include name="**/*"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <!-- insert the build number into the documentation and configuration
-        files -->
-        <!-- CHANGED: don't do this, the python build system for jEdit gets
-        confused if the build number isn't present BEFORE the build, so need
-        to change it by hand everytime there is a new release.
-        <replace dir="${config.dir}" token="@@build.num@@"
-            value="${build.num}" />
-        -->
-        <replace dir="${doc.dir}" token="@@build.num@@"
-                value="${build.num}" />
-        <tstamp/>
-        <replace dir="${doc.dir}" token="@@tstamp@@"
-                value="${TODAY}" />
-    </target>
-   <!-- ========================================================================
-      Target: clean
-      deletes all files from the temp directory
-   ========================================================================= -->
-    <target name="clean" description="Delete all files from the classes directory.">
-        <!-- delete old directories that may still be hanging around.  These
-        caused some confusion. -->
-        <delete dir="config"/>
-        <delete dir="docs"/>
-        <delete dir="${temp}/config"/>
-        <delete dir="${temp}/docs"/>
-        <delete dir="${temp}/classes/beauty"/>
-        <delete dir="${temp}/classes/outerbeauty"/>
-        <delete dir="${temp}/classes/docs"/>
-    </target>
-   <!-- ========================================================================
-      Target: init
-      this target creates the directories needed for this project and
-      only needs to be done once.
-   ========================================================================= -->
-    <target name="init"
-            description="Create directory structure.">
-        <fail unless="jedit.install.dir" message="Please set jedit.install.dir \
-        <mkdir dir="${src.dir}" />
-        <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}" />
-        <mkdir dir="${doc.dir}" />
-        <mkdir dir="${config.dir}" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- this is for local testing of individual files, note hard-coded path to test \
                file -->
-    <target name="run"
-            description="Run the application."
-            depends="setClasspath">
-        <java classname="beauty.parsers.java.java.JavaParserBeautyListener" \
-            <classpath refid="classpathref"/>
-            <arg file="/home/danson/src/jedit/plugins/Beauty/test/test_files/BasicClass2.java"/>
-            <!--
-            <arg file="/home/danson/src/jedit/plugins/Beauty/test/test_files/java/before/AllInOne7.java"/>
-            -->
-        </java>
-    </target>
-    <target name="all" depends="javacc,dist"/>
-    <target name="test">
-        <ant antfile="ant_java_test.xml" />
-        <ant antfile="ant_json_test.xml" />
-    </target>
+    <echo>
+*****                      *****
+*****    Second pass...    *****
+*****                      *****
+    </echo>
+	</target>
+	<target name="build.post">
+        <ant antfile="beauty_build.xml" target="test"/>
+    <echo>
+*****                          *****
+*****    No further passes.    *****
+*****                          *****
+    </echo>
+	</target>

Modified: plugins/Beauty/trunk/src/docs/index.html
--- plugins/Beauty/trunk/src/docs/index.html	2023-08-21 00:21:04 UTC (rev 25641)
+++ plugins/Beauty/trunk/src/docs/index.html	2023-08-21 00:42:44 UTC (rev 25642)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
             <td valign="TOP" align="RIGHT">
-               <font size="-1"><p><strong>Version 1.1 (@@tstamp@@)</strong> <p>Dale \
Anson</font> +               <font size="-1"><p><strong>Version 1.1, August \
2023</strong> <p>Dale Anson</font>  </td>

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