Hello again, I've found a mean problem with horde and php 4.2.3. On a linux box of mine php 4.2.3 compiled with --enable-mbstr-trans-enc was installed. This caused unpredictable behaviour, because the $_POST variable doesn't get the correct values AFAICS if the name of the variable is a hash-array. So e. g. setting up the layout of the portal with a calendar view didn't work for me unless I've recompiled php 4.2.3. Solution/Workaround: Get (or compile by yourself) a newer version of php or get/compile a php 4.2.3 without --enable-mbstr-enc-trans Suggestion: Include a routine to test.php, which checks this behaviour. -------- For the horde developers: ---------------- I used a patch to log all from a form submission and I got the following output on editing the calendar layout-box for the horde portal: --- Jan 30 22:02:23 HORDE [debug] [imp] serialize: POST = a:6:{s:6:"FBxyzz";s:32:"81 253c6d9bb72d9818edcc094c9fe8ff";s:3:"row";s:1:"1";s:3:"col";s:1:"0";s:6:"action" ;s:4:"save";s:3:"app";s:17:"kronolith:summary";s:6:"params";a:1:{s:8:"calendar"; s:1:"l";}} [on line 911 of "/usr/local/httpd/horde/lib/Horde.php"] --- instead of --- Jan 30 23:25:23 HORDE [debug] [imp] serialize: POST = a:6:{s:6:"FBxyzz";s:32:"52 233c4d9bb72d95183dc4095c98e8ff";s:3:"row";s:1:"1";s:3:"col";s:1:"0";s:6:"action" ;s:4:"save";s:3:"app";s:17:"kronolith:summary";s:6:"params";a:1:{s:8:"calendar"; s:1:"__all";}} [on line 911 of "/usr/local/httpd/horde/lib/Horde.php"] --- as you can see the value="__all" from name="params[calendar]" was truncated to value="l" -------------------------------------------------------- This problem is known to the php people (see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=19554), but it wasn't for me ;-) If this was obvious to the list, so sorry about the noise. HTH Ciao Walter -- :-------W._Tasin,_FB_04,_FHM-------------------PGP-KeyID:0x7961A645---: -- Horde mailing list Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/ To unsubscribe, mail: horde-unsubscribe@lists.horde.org