Hi, > The Millennium leap year bug in Hylafax was spotted last May (by Ken > Kornetet, as I recall - Kudos!), who offered a patch to fix it. The patch > was refined (by Rob Colquhon, AIR) and bundled into the 4.0pl2 release. It was fixed in the new beta releases. If you have a look at the 4.0pl2 source code (util/AtSyntax.c++) at the isLeapYear define, you can see that it still has the leap year bug. The leap year is computed on the base off 1900 and not on the year 0. So 100 is passed instead of 2000, which acctually was no leap year. I have found this bug in many binary versions of hylafax floating around. Acctually the SuSE 6.2 still has it and the hp-ux version as well. I recommend waiting for patches to come out (haven't seen any so far) or to recompile the 4.0pl2 using the corrected version of AtSyntax.c++ from the current beta version. Steffen -- Steffen Pingel phone 0521 - 915 96 88 Deckertstr. 39 email steffenp@gmx.de 33617 Bielefeld www http://www.steffenpingel.de