Everyone, I recently compiled hylafax-7.0.2 on a raspberry pi4 and connected three usb modems to it. This has been a great set up. The only problem I have had that I could not resolve is that it will not accept text files for faxing. I get the following errors : textfmt: error while loading shared libraries: libfaxutil.so.7.0.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I did an internet search and could not locate libfaxutil.so.7.0.1 Is this a bug or did I do something wrong during the compile process. I can create a *.ps file of the text files before I give them to hylafax+, but I would surely like to fix this. Thank you for your help!!!! Greg Ennis --------------------------------------------- I forgot to mention that libfaxutil.so.7.0.2 was located in /usr/local/lib/libfaxutil.so.7.0.2 Greg ------------------------------------------------------------------ After some additional trial and error I identified that when I transfer the file to the raspberry Pi4 with Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)" with 5.4.51-v7l+ kernel the problem with libfaxutil.so.7.0.1 is gone, but I get another error message telling me that : /usr/local/sbin/textfmt: No font metric information found for "Courier- Bold" The machine I am using as a client is a CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 which has the latest release of hylafax+ as 7.0.3 which was the rpm version from the repositories. Greg ____________________ HylaFAX(tm) Users Mailing List _______________________ To subscribe/unsubscribe, click http://lists.hylafax.org/cgi-bin/lsg2.cgi On UNIX: mail -s unsubscribe hylafax-users-request@hylafax.org < /dev/null *To learn about commercial HylaFAX(tm) support, mail sales@ifax.com.*