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List:       haskell-jhc
Subject:    [jhc] darcs patch: clean up Options.hs,
From:       John Meacham <john () repetae ! net>
Date:       2011-01-30 3:54:40
Message-ID: 20110130035440.B981764237 () sliver ! repetae ! net
[Download RAW message or body]

Sat Jan 29 18:24:39 PST 2011  John Meacham <john@repetae.net>
  * clean up Options.hs, allow setting the garbage collector via the ini fi=

Sat Jan 29 19:06:43 PST 2011  John Meacham <john@repetae.net>
  * cleanup

["clean-up-options_hs_-allow-setting-the-garbage-collector-via-the-ini-file_.dpatch" (text/x-darcs-patch)]

New patches:

[clean up Options.hs, allow setting the garbage collector via the ini file.
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20110130022439
 Ignore-this: 1b15e475c58107d6cd01425e74dca40c
] hunk ./src/Options.hs 193
   } {-!derive: update !-}
-opt = Opt {
+emptyOpt = Opt {
     optMode        = CompileExe,
     optColumns     = getColumns,
     optCross       = False,
hunk ./src/Options.hs 330
 -- | Parse commandline options.
 processOptions :: IO Opt
 processOptions = do
+    -- initial argument processing
     argv <- getArguments
     let (o,ns,rc) = getOpt Permute theoptions argv
hunk ./src/Options.hs 333
+    o <- return (foldl (flip ($)) emptyOpt o)
     when (rc /= []) $ putErrLn (concat rc ++ helpUsage) >> exitWith exitCodeUsage
hunk ./src/Options.hs 335
-    o1 <- either putErrDie return $ postProcessFD (foldl (flip ($)) opt o)
-    o2 <- either putErrDie return $ postProcessFO o1
-    case optMode o2 of
+    case optMode o of
         ShowHelp    -> doShowHelp
         ShowConfig  -> doShowConfig
         StopError s -> putErrLn "bad option passed to --stop should be one of parse, \
deps, typecheck, or c" >> exitWith exitCodeUsage hunk ./src/Options.hs 345
             putStrLn $ "-I" ++ VC.datadir ++ "/" ++ VC.package ++ "-" ++ \
VC.shortVersion ++ "/include"  exitSuccess
         _ -> return ()
+    -- read targets.ini file
     Just home <- fmap (`mplus` Just "/") $ lookupEnv "HOME"
hunk ./src/Options.hs 347
-    inis <- parseIniFiles (optVerbose o2 > 0) (BS.toString targets_ini) [confDir ++ \
"/targets.ini", confDir ++ "/targets-local.ini", home ++ "/etc/jhc/targets.ini", home \
                ++ "/.jhc/targets.ini"] (optArch o2)
-    when (FlagDump.Ini `S.member` optDumpSet o2) $ flip mapM_ (M.toList inis) $ \
\(a,b) -> putStrLn (a ++ "=" ++ b) +    inis <- parseIniFiles (optVerbose o > 0) \
(BS.toString targets_ini) [confDir ++ "/targets.ini", confDir ++ \
"/targets-local.ini", home ++ "/etc/jhc/targets.ini", home ++ "/.jhc/targets.ini"] \
(optArch o) +    -- process dump flags
+    o <- either putErrDie return $ postProcessFD o
+    when (FlagDump.Ini `S.member` optDumpSet o) $ flip mapM_ (M.toList inis) $ \
\(a,b) -> putStrLn (a ++ "=" ++ b) +    -- set flags based on ini options
+    let o1 = case M.lookup "gc" inis of
+            Just "jgc" -> optFOptsSet_u (S.insert FlagOpts.Jgc) o
+            Just "boehm" -> optFOptsSet_u (S.insert FlagOpts.Boehm) o
+            _ -> o
+    o2 <- either putErrDie return $ postProcessFO o1
+    when (FlagDump.Ini `S.member` optDumpSet o) $ do
+        putStrLn (show $ optDumpSet o)
+        putStrLn (show $ optFOptsSet o)
+    -- add autoloads based on ini options
     let autoloads = maybe [] (tokens (',' ==)) (M.lookup "autoload" inis)
         o3 = o2 { optArgs = ns, optInis = inis }
     case optNoAuto o2 of
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20110130030643
 Ignore-this: 96b1af39766addb547212ac31f0e9f92
] hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 38
 import qualified Info.Info as Info
 import qualified Util.Graph as G
 atomizeApps ::
     Bool          -- ^ whether to atomize type arguments
     -> Program
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 82
     isAtomic e | not atomizeTypes && sortTypeLike e = True
     isAtomic e = isFullyConst e
 fvBind (Left (_,fv)) = fv
 fvBind (Right xs) = unions (snds xs)
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 85
 canFloatPast t | sortKindLike . getType $ t = True
 canFloatPast t | getType t == tWorldzh = True
 canFloatPast t | getProperty prop_ONESHOT t = True
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 110
     --nprog <- programMapBodies (return . floatInward) nprog
     return nprog { progStats = nstats }
 --cupbinds bs = f bs where
 --    f (Left ((t,_),fv):rs) = (tvrShowName t,fv):f rs
 --    f (Right ds:rs) = f $ map Left ds ++ rs
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 115
 --    f [] = []
-floatInward ::
-    E  -- ^ input term
+    :: E  -- ^ input term
     -> E  -- ^ output term
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 118
-floatInward e = floatInwardE e [] where
+floatInward e = floatInwardE e []
 floatInwardE :: E -> Binds -> E
 floatInwardE e fvs = f e fvs where
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 166
     unsafe_ones = concat [ map (combIdent . fst) vs | vs <- map G.fromScc xs,any \
(not . isCheap) (map (combBody . fst) vs)]  ind x = any ( (`elem` uso) . combIdent . \
fst ) (G.fromScc x)  
 -- | seperate bindings based on whether they can be floated inward
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 167
 sepByDropPoint ::
     [FVarSet]           -- ^ list of possible drop points
     -> Binds            -- ^ list of bindings and their free variables
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 191
     fvDecls (Left (c,_)) = [combIdent c]
     fvDecls (Right ts) = [combIdent c | (c,_) <- ts ]
 newtype Level = Level Int
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 229
             dds [] nrs e imap = ELetRec (concat nrs) (g n e imap)
         g n e imap = runIdentity $ (emapE' (\e -> g' n e imap) e)
         g' n e imap = return $ g n e imap
-    let imap = Map.fromList $ map (\x -> (x,top_level)) ([ tvrIdent t| (t,_) <-  \
programDs prog ] ++ idSetToList (progExternalNames prog `mappend` progSeasoning \
prog)) +    let imap = Map.fromList $ map (\x -> (x,top_level)) ([ tvrIdent t| (t,_) \
<-  programDs prog ] ++ +            idSetToList (progExternalNames prog `mappend` \
progSeasoning prog))  prog <- flip programMapDs prog (\ (t,e) -> do
         e' <- letBindAll (progDataTable prog) (progModule prog) e
         return $ tl (t,e') imap)
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 234
     let dofloat ELetRec { eDefs = ds, eBody = e } = do
             e' <- dofloat e
             ds' <- mapM df ds
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 281
     let nprog = progCombinators_s (concat cds) prog
     return nprog { progStats = progStats nprog `mappend` stats }
 maybeShowName t = if '@' `elem` n then "(epheremal)" else n where
     n = tvrShowName t
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 288
     Just y  -> toName ns (show modName, "fl@"++show y ++ "$" ++ show u)
     Nothing -> toName ns (show modName, "fl@"++show x ++ "$" ++ show u)
 mapMSnd f xs = sequence [ (,) x `liftM` f y | (x,y) <- xs]
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 290
-letBindAll ::
-    DataTable  -- ^ the data table for expanding newtypes
+    :: DataTable  -- ^ the data table for expanding newtypes
     -> Module     -- ^ current module name
     -> E          -- ^ input term
     -> IO E
hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 322
         e' <- f e
         return (ELetRec [(tv,e')] (EVar tv))
 letRec [] e = e
 letRec ds _ | flint && hasRepeatUnder fst ds = error "letRec: repeated variables!"
 letRec ds e | flint && any (isUnboxed .tvrType . fst) ds = error "letRec: binding \
unboxed!" hunk ./src/E/LetFloat.hs 326
 letRec ds e = ELetRec ds e
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 72
 import StringTable.Atom
 import Support.CanType
 import Support.FreeVars
-import Util.Perhaps
-import Util.SetLike
 import Util.GMap
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 73
-import Util.HasSize
 import Util.Gen
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 74
+import Util.HasSize
+import Util.Perhaps
+import Util.SetLike
 import qualified Cmm.Op as Op
 import qualified Info.Info as Info
 import qualified Stats
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 84
 -- Extremely simple first order monadic code with basic type system.  similar
 -- to GRIN except for the explicit typing on variables. Note, that certain
 -- haskell types become Grin values, however, nothing may be done with types other
--- than examining them. (types may not be constructed at run-time) ( do we need
--- this for polymorphic recursion? )
-data TyThunk =
-    TyNotThunk                 -- ^ not the thunk
-    | TyPApp (Maybe Ty) Atom   -- ^ can be applied to (possibly) an argument, and \
                what results
-    | TySusp Atom              -- ^ can be evaluated and calls what function
-    deriving(Eq,Show)
-data TyTy = TyTy {
-    tySlots :: [Ty],
-    tyReturn :: [Ty],
-    tyThunk :: TyThunk,
-    tySiblings :: Maybe [Atom]
-tyTy = TyTy { tySlots = [], tyReturn = [], tySiblings = Nothing, tyThunk = \
                TyNotThunk }
-newtype TyEnv = TyEnv (GMap Atom TyTy)
-    deriving(Monoid)
-tagHole = toAtom "@hole"
-gEval :: Val -> Exp
-gEval x = BaseOp Eval [x]
--- lazy node sptr_t
-tyINode = TyINode
--- strict node wptr_t
-tyDNode = TyNode
-instance TypeNames Ty where
-    tIntzh = TyPrim (Op.bits32)
-    tEnumzh = TyPrim (Op.bits16)
-    tCharzh = TyPrim (Op.bits32)
-data Callable = Continuation | Function | Closure | LocalFunction | Primitive'
-    deriving(Eq,Ord,Show)
-type Tag = Atom
-newtype Var = V Int
-    deriving(Eq,Ord,Enum)
-instance Show Var where
-    showsPrec _ (V n) xs = 'v':shows n xs
-data VCont = VCont Val VContext
-data VContext = PrimApp PrimApp VCont | Decons Tag Int VCont | ContUnknown
+-- than examining them. (types may not be constructed at run-time)
 infixr 1  :->, :>>=
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 100
     | Promote               -- turn an inode into a node, the inode _must_ already \
                be a valid node
     | Eval                  -- evaluate an inode, returns a node representing the \
                evaluated value. Bool is whether to update the inode
     | Apply [Ty]            -- apply a partial application to a value, returning the \
                given type
-    | StoreNode !Bool       -- create a new node, Bool is true if it should be an \
direct node, the second val is the region +    | StoreNode !Bool       -- create a \
                new node, Bool is true if it should be a direct node, the second val \
                is the region
     | Redirect              -- write an indirection over its first argument to point \
                to its second one
     | Overwrite             -- overwrite an existing node with new data (the tag \
must match what was used for the initial Store)  | PeekVal               -- read a \
value from a pointed to location hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 187
     | TyUnknown                  -- ^ an unknown possibly undefined type, All of \
these must be eliminated by code generation  deriving(Eq,Ord)
+data Callable = Continuation | Function | Closure | LocalFunction | Primitive'
+    deriving(Eq,Ord,Show)
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 190
+type Tag = Atom
+newtype Var = V Int
+    deriving(Eq,Ord,Enum)
 data FuncDef = FuncDef {
     funcDefName  :: Atom,
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 202
     funcDefProps :: FuncProps
     } deriving(Eq,Ord,Show)
+-- Type information table (TyEnv)
+data TyThunk
+    = TyNotThunk               -- ^ not the thunk
+    | TyPApp (Maybe Ty) Atom   -- ^ can be applied to (possibly) an argument, and \
what results +    | TySusp Atom              -- ^ can be evaluated and calls what \
function +    deriving(Eq,Show)
+data TyTy = TyTy {
+    tySlots :: [Ty],
+    tyReturn :: [Ty],
+    tyThunk :: TyThunk,
+    tySiblings :: Maybe [Atom]
+tyTy = TyTy { tySlots = [], tyReturn = [], tySiblings = Nothing, tyThunk = \
TyNotThunk } +
+newtype TyEnv = TyEnv (GMap Atom TyTy)
+    deriving(Monoid)
+-- random utility values
+lamExp (_ :-> e) = e
+lamBind (b :-> _) = b
+isVar Var {} = True
+isVar _ = False
+tagHole = toAtom "@hole"
+gEval :: Val -> Exp
+gEval x = BaseOp Eval [x]
+tyINode = TyINode -- ^ lazy node sptr_t
+tyDNode = TyNode  -- ^ strict node wptr_t
 createFuncDef local name body@(args :-> rest)  = updateFuncDefProps FuncDef { \
funcDefName = name, funcDefBody = body, funcDefCall = call, funcDefProps = funcProps \
                } where
     call = Item name (TyCall (if local then LocalFunction else Function) (map \
getType args) (getType rest))  
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 241
 updateFuncDefProps fd@FuncDef { funcDefBody = body@(args :-> rest) } =  fd { \
                funcDefProps = props } where
     props = (funcDefProps fd) { funcFreeVars = freeVars body, funcTags = freeVars \
body, funcType = (map getType args,getType rest) }  
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 248
 setGrinFunctions xs _grin | flint && hasRepeatUnder fst xs = error $ \
"setGrinFunctions: grin has redundent definitions" ++ show (fsts xs)  \
setGrinFunctions xs grin = grin { grinFunctions = map (uncurry (createFuncDef False)) \
xs }  
 extendTyEnv ds (TyEnv env) = TyEnv (fromList xs `mappend` env) where
     xs = [ (funcDefName d,tyTy { tySlots = ss, tyReturn = r }) |  d <- ds, let \
                (ss,r) = funcType $ funcDefProps d]
       ++ [ (tagFlipFunction (funcDefName d),tyTy { tySlots = ss, tyReturn = r }) |  \
d <- ds, let (ss,r) = funcType $ funcDefProps d, r == [TyNode]] hunk \
./src/Grin/Grin.hs 279  }
-instance Show Ty where
-    show TyNode = "N"
-    show TyINode = "I"
-    show (TyPtr t) = '&':show t
-    show (TyUnit) = "()"
-    show (TyPrim t) = show t
-    show TyRegion = "M"
-    show TyGcContext = "GC"
-    show (TyRegister t) = 'r':show t
-    show (TyCall c as rt) = show c <> tupled (map show as) <+> "->" <+> show rt
-    show TyUnknown = "?"
-instance Show Val where
-    -- showsPrec _ s | Just st <- fromVal s = text $ show (st::String)
-    showsPrec _ (NodeC t []) = parens $ (fromAtom t)
-    showsPrec _ (NodeC t vs) = parens $ (fromAtom t) <+> hsep (map shows vs)
-    showsPrec _ (Index v o) = shows v <> char '[' <> shows o <> char ']'
-    showsPrec _ (Var (V i) t)
-        | TyINode <- t = text "ni" <> tshow i
-        | TyNode <- t = text "nd" <> tshow i
-        | TyRegion <- t = text "m" <> tshow i
-        | TyRegister ty <- t = text "r" <> tshow (Var (V i) ty)
-        | TyGcContext <- t = text "gc" <> tshow i
-        | TyPtr t' <- t = text "p" <> shows (Var (V i) t')
-        | TyPrim Op.TyBool <- t  = char 'b' <> tshow i
-        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits _ Op.HintFloat) <- t  = char 'f' <> tshow i
-        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits _ Op.HintCharacter) <- t  = char 'c' <> tshow i
-        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.Bits 8)  _) <- t  = char 'o' <> tshow i      -- \
-        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.Bits 16)  _) <- t  = char 'h' <> tshow i     -- half
-        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.Bits 32)  _) <- t  = char 'w' <> tshow i     -- word
-        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.Bits 64)  _) <- t  = char 'd' <> tshow i     -- \
-        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.Bits 128)  _) <- t  = char 'q' <> tshow i    -- \
-        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.BitsArch Op.BitsPtr)  _) <- t  = text "bp" <> tshow \
-        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.BitsArch Op.BitsMax)  _) <- t  = text "bm" <> tshow \
-        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits _ _) <- t  = char 'l' <> tshow i
-        | otherwise = char 'v' <> tshow i
-    showsPrec _ (Lit i _)  = tshow i
-    showsPrec _ Unit  = showString "()"
-    showsPrec _ (Const v) = char '&' <> shows v
-    showsPrec _ (Item a  ty) = tshow a <> text "::" <> tshow ty
-    showsPrec _ (ValUnknown ty) = text "?::" <> tshow ty
-    showsPrec _ (ValPrim aprim xs _) = tshow aprim <> tupled (map tshow xs)
 data Phase = PhaseInit | PostInlineEval | PostAeOptimize | PostDevolve
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 319
     | TagFunc
 tagInfo t = case fromAtom t of
-    'F':xs ->  TagSusp True (toAtom $ 'f':xs)
-    'B':xs ->  TagSusp True (toAtom $ 'b':xs)
+    'F':xs -> TagSusp True (toAtom $ 'f':xs)
+    'B':xs -> TagSusp True (toAtom $ 'b':xs)
     'f':_  -> TagFunc
     'b':_  -> TagFunc
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 323
+    'C':_  -> TagDataCons
+    'T':_  -> TagTypeCons
     'P':is | (n@(_:_),('_':xs)) <- span isDigit is -> TagPApp (read n) (toAtom $ \
     'Y':is | (n@(_:_),('_':xs)) <- span isDigit is -> TagTypePApp (read n) (toAtom $ \
'T':xs) hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 327
-    'C':_ -> TagDataCons
-    'T':_ -> TagTypeCons
     t -> error $ "tagInfo: bad tag " ++  t
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 329
 partialTag :: Tag -> Int -> Tag
 partialTag v c = case fromAtom v of
     ('f':xs) | 0 <- c ->   toAtom $ 'F':xs
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 338
     ('b':xs) | 0 <- c ->  toAtom $ 'B':xs
     _ -> error $  "partialTag: " ++ show (v,c)
 tagUnfunction :: Monad m => Tag -> m (Int, Tag)
 tagUnfunction t
     | tagIsSuspFunction t = return (0,tagFlipFunction t)
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 346
     where t' = fromAtom t
 tagUnfunction _ = fail "Tag does not represent function"
 tagFlipFunction t
     | 'F':xs <- t' = toAtom $ 'f':xs
     | 'B':xs <- t' = toAtom $ 'b':xs
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 413
 isValUnknown ValUnknown {} = True
 isValUnknown _ = False
 -- Look up stuff in the typing environment.
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 445
 p2 = Var v2 TyINode
 p3 = Var v3 TyINode
+-- CanType instances
 instance CanType Exp [Ty] where
     getType (_ :>>= (_ :-> e2)) = getType e2
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 491
     getType (ValUnknown ty) = ty
     getType (Item _ ty) = ty
+-- FreeVars instances
 instance FreeVars Lam (Set.Set Var) where
     freeVars (x :-> y) = freeVars y Set.\\ freeVars x
 instance FreeVars Lam (Set.Set (Var,Ty)) where
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 665
     freeVars MkCont { expCont = v, expLam = as} = freeVars (v,as)
     freeVars GcRoots { expValues = v, expBody = b } = freeVars (v,b)
-lamExp (_ :-> e) = e
-lamBind (b :-> _) = b
+-- Show instances
hunk ./src/Grin/Grin.hs 667
-isVar Var {} = True
-isVar _ = False
+instance Show Var where
+    showsPrec _ (V n) xs = 'v':shows n xs
+instance Show Ty where
+    show TyNode = "N"
+    show TyINode = "I"
+    show (TyPtr t) = '&':show t
+    show (TyUnit) = "()"
+    show (TyPrim t) = show t
+    show TyRegion = "M"
+    show TyGcContext = "GC"
+    show (TyRegister t) = 'r':show t
+    show (TyCall c as rt) = show c <> tupled (map show as) <+> "->" <+> show rt
+    show TyUnknown = "?"
+instance Show Val where
+    -- showsPrec _ s | Just st <- fromVal s = text $ show (st::String)
+    showsPrec _ (NodeC t []) = parens $ (fromAtom t)
+    showsPrec _ (NodeC t vs) = parens $ (fromAtom t) <+> hsep (map shows vs)
+    showsPrec _ (Index v o) = shows v <> char '[' <> shows o <> char ']'
+    showsPrec _ (Var (V i) t)
+        | TyINode <- t = text "ni" <> tshow i
+        | TyNode <- t = text "nd" <> tshow i
+        | TyRegion <- t = text "m" <> tshow i
+        | TyRegister ty <- t = text "r" <> tshow (Var (V i) ty)
+        | TyGcContext <- t = text "gc" <> tshow i
+        | TyPtr t' <- t = text "p" <> shows (Var (V i) t')
+        | TyPrim Op.TyBool <- t  = char 'b' <> tshow i
+        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits _ Op.HintFloat) <- t  = char 'f' <> tshow i
+        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits _ Op.HintCharacter) <- t  = char 'c' <> tshow i
+        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.Bits 8)  _) <- t  = char 'o' <> tshow i      -- \
octet +        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.Bits 16)  _) <- t  = char 'h' <> tshow i     \
-- half +        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.Bits 32)  _) <- t  = char 'w' <> tshow i     \
-- word +        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.Bits 64)  _) <- t  = char 'd' <> tshow i     \
-- doubleword +        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.Bits 128)  _) <- t  = char 'q' <> \
tshow i    -- quadword +        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.BitsArch Op.BitsPtr)  _) <- t \
= text "bp" <> tshow i +        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits (Op.BitsArch Op.BitsMax)  _) <- t \
= text "bm" <> tshow i +        | TyPrim (Op.TyBits _ _) <- t  = char 'l' <> tshow i
+        | otherwise = char 'v' <> tshow i
+    showsPrec _ (Lit i _)  = tshow i
+    showsPrec _ Unit  = showString "()"
+    showsPrec _ (Const v) = char '&' <> shows v
+    showsPrec _ (Item a  ty) = tshow a <> text "::" <> tshow ty
+    showsPrec _ (ValUnknown ty) = text "?::" <> tshow ty
+    showsPrec _ (ValPrim aprim xs _) = tshow aprim <> tupled (map tshow xs)
+-- misc instances
+instance TypeNames Ty where
+    tIntzh = TyPrim (Op.bits32)
+    tEnumzh = TyPrim (Op.bits16)
+    tCharzh = TyPrim (Op.bits32)
 instance Intjection Var where
hunk ./src/Grin/Optimize.hs 1
 module Grin.Optimize(grinPush,grinSpeculate) where
 import Control.Monad.State
hunk ./src/Grin/Optimize.hs 7
 import List
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import StringTable.Atom
 import C.Prims
 import Grin.Grin
 import Grin.Noodle
hunk ./src/Grin/Optimize.hs 10
+import Options (verbose)
 import Stats hiding(null,isEmpty)
hunk ./src/Grin/Optimize.hs 12
+import StringTable.Atom
 import Support.CanType
 import Support.FreeVars
hunk ./src/Grin/Optimize.hs 15
-import Util.HasSize
 import Util.GMap
 import Util.Graph
hunk ./src/Grin/Optimize.hs 17
+import Util.HasSize
 import Util.SetLike
hunk ./src/Grin/Optimize.hs 19
-import Options (verbose)
 data PExp = PExp {
     pexpUniq :: Int,
hunk ./src/Grin/Optimize.hs 168
 --        v <- prefer exp
 --        return [ p | p <- pexps, v == pexpBind p]
 grinSpeculate :: Grin -> IO Grin
 grinSpeculate grin = do
     let ss = findSpeculatable grin
hunk ./src/Grin/Optimize.hs 177
     when verbose $ Stats.printStat "Speculate" stats
     return grin'
 performSpeculate specs grin = do
     let sset = fromList (map tagFlipFunction specs) :: GSet Tag
     let f (a,l) = mapBodyM h l  >>= \l' -> return (a,l')
hunk ./src/Grin/Optimize.hs 205
     isSpeculatable _ = False
 demote x = BaseOp Demote [x]


[remove old Grin.Simplify module
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20110129225838
 Ignore-this: 5dcd84e57bfe1459fbd695955e763ee6
[add no-strict-aliasing flag to gcc options
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20110129225335
 Ignore-this: 2ef5b854c51eafab24f366f3eb1adc19
[add Rand.hs to regression tests for WRAPPER bug fix
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20110129222922
 Ignore-this: 28ebf4405feee143b6300ba1518add13
[fix bug that would sometimes keep WRAPPERs from being inlined, dramatically speeds \
up some tests. John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20110126214144
 Ignore-this: aa74f39e44d03cdbd2d36a8e5b3eefa9
[print out core when dumping libraries
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20110126205030
 Ignore-this: c4029042b522b8ee6234939535193d4b
[fix argument order for shiftL/R instances
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20110123033306
 Ignore-this: 8bbe427609b45be012cf678c25a76ef
[We want to inline generated wrappers even when user's inline PRAGMAs are disabled.
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20110123021358
 Ignore-this: bc2f5e23d780ae328980d3027f444137
[code cleanups
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20110123020827
 Ignore-this: baa775db670d36fb727ee8ac079d6cfb
[pre-initialize GC caches to avoid check in allocator gaining a couple percent in \
speed. John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20101207121705
 Ignore-this: 1e00392ff635becfb744d56d0a363a7f
[don't increment allocation count when we arn't using it for status updates.
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20101207050322
 Ignore-this: f5209ab8f28a19f301d0dc9a7d1539ec
[remove quadratic behavior in programSetDs'
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20101207033358
 Ignore-this: d0a52945b310e2a599cc54510c18ea5b
[fix bug where the static argument transformation would clear rules. clean up a lot \
of code. John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20101207031557
 Ignore-this: a78a8819ac6728d331b9a01e9a665152
[clean ups and remove unused module, make selftest work with the new ghc
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20101206122555
 Ignore-this: 5b56d3dcd7186aeab6e3b42c57db0f99
[fix type checker bug that occasionally reported false erros
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20101206120451
 Ignore-this: a34be6e294bde1e95ad7a9ca35b42055
[fix pretty printing fixity of core to reduce ambiguity
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20101204231805
 Ignore-this: 8adc87b15e09134f673da1b438adc5a2
[Fix a lot of compiler warnings, clean up dependencies.
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20101204035931
 Ignore-this: 7524be06d3ca6cd957316e50451b7208
[show text of exception when dumping core.
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100826091509
 Ignore-this: 859d57d2a6184698e97f0083482b3039
[remove ePrettyEx
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100812102458
 Ignore-this: 5ff9ed89d829f656c11012d75bab6f16
[clean up warnings
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100812102435
 Ignore-this: 582526a443397ee875d3530d892b704d
[clean up E showing, get rid of -dhtml mode, get rid of ANSI color coding, dump \
jhc_core to files on error John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100812101452
 Ignore-this: ef81f8c50892ecfdda3b5a450d8fbac0
[when let-shrinking a tail, be sure to optimize function bodies
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100812054500
 Ignore-this: eb1b56f28287a98b67bcd9c29d50ba82
[improve Grin Linting a little
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100812054446
 Ignore-this: c7613a94c296e089a985904aa049d002
[add imported ghc typechecking regression tests
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100811014451
 Ignore-this: 7f625abf2f8d562bc76b71396a7e03f0
[import ghc parsing regression tests
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100811002607
 Ignore-this: 7a3676c7655fe26c52dd7eddd3c356dc
[add 'skip' to regression options to skip certain tests
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100811002445
 Ignore-this: 261b5e51fa22d7af25989ee078853590
[allow unicode characters in haskell source
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100810233304
 Ignore-this: dd54c632455bd0660ff7b5170d81c8ed
[add regex-compat to dependencies
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100810230216
 Ignore-this: e7c03b8e187802ab75dbcc574614eabc
[accept empty class contexts
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100810063832
 Ignore-this: 9dea1ec61b874fcb3537b79b74b345df
[add 'transformers' package to included libraries
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100810054906
 Ignore-this: e27f376331b3fac2e3414145bf17a1c0
[fix desugaring of irrefutable lambda bindings
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100810053944
 Ignore-this: 5c70934cbe42169850481562cd5b20f3
[add some strictness annotations
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100810053827
 Ignore-this: 15ed2e2fc90656cc418a841848e43107
[clean ups
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100806112820
 Ignore-this: 64c0ae0922073b65fc0dac4bd35ba968
[speed up name choosing a little
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100806111703
 Ignore-this: ac159eeb0d34a7d26ad74253d00386ae
[further seperate out concrete types to speed up checking
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100806092815
 Ignore-this: f992ced583042d3c7797d4de93e3e3a8
[split type environment into concrete and mutable sets, to avoid retraversing the \
concrete imported types John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100806090349
 Ignore-this: c276618b4b968d9149e6b3dfc36d162a
[create a better relation representation, speed up export chasing signifigantly
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100806082622
 Ignore-this: 9f49871e33348bbfc4e8fd2ee9fa71b8
[fix a few minor bugs in libraries found by better error reporting
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100806045809
 Ignore-this: e7d43927c9e11b05de455a5d0ebd1017
[check export lists for unknown names
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100806045759
 Ignore-this: 4b3ff8381117f2acae34dd6b936c8e8d
[ret rid of seperate subtable and errortable in favor of unified namemap
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100806032455
 Ignore-this: 9e8fbd31f988d77614bd49fc23cefae
[treat () the same as tuples when renaming
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100806023948
 Ignore-this: defa66a11f1081a4582a5301cff217e4
[move selector creation from desugar to renamer, detect multiply defined top level \
values and report an error properly. John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100806021241
 Ignore-this: 507bce69ec8ffe0085c3a72ffc0ec571
[add initial version of jhc-prim
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100806000900
 Ignore-this: 44a9f14db168b28d731fd750bba0fee9
[clean up preprocessing a little
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100803073754
 Ignore-this: c1064468bed864231c2d5fb3a68bbeaf
[utilize preprocessor rather than ./configure to handle System.Info
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100802100036
 Ignore-this: 76681affa5b0269621974deeccda019b
[fix some warnings
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100801083507
 Ignore-this: fd350fd02d0ad5a611ee1811de28bce5
[fix build problem for tarball
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100801082137
 Ignore-this: 33671b52398eef61afa670eb031ef575
[update strictness and UNPACK annotations
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100801080035
 Ignore-this: e598a6098143c1a62373a443865b3cfb
[add announcement for 0.7.6
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100731111353
 Ignore-this: 111c27548d94bdfe0042d61b02fe5728
[TAG 0.7.6
John Meacham <john@repetae.net>**20100731104908
 Ignore-this: d5edc6edd6d300cbae451f0e056ee018
Patch bundle hash:

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