Considering the complexity of voice generation, maybe it would be more simple to support braille displays which should be less complex to implement. Not speaking that most blind people using computers should have one I guess, since it sounds more productive to me.
My 2 cents to the subject.

Le 29 avr. 2016 10:34, "Andrei Borzenkov" <arvidjaar@gmail.com> a écrit :
Hi Majid,

currently grub includes audio output driver that outputs morse codes
for characters and digits using built-in PC speaker. I am not aware of
anyone working on full scale speech synthesizer, but I forward your
mail to grub-devel for attention.

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 9:06 PM, Majid Hussain <mhussaincov93@gmail.com> wrote:
> hello there,
> My name is majid hussain,
> i'm blind.
> would it be possable to have grub talk?
> it would be very useful for me and the blind community who use linux
> if this was possable.
> it would make the boot menu accessible for instance :)
> i'm not sure how this could be done, but would be grateful if it could
> be looked in to?
> thank you for considdering my request and thank you for grub :)
> thank you for reading :)
> Majid Hussain

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