* There is a RFC on the CAST block cipher (rfc2144) which states: The CAST-128 cipher described in this document is available worldwide on a royalty-free basis for commercial and non-commercial uses. So my question is, whether this is acceptable for GNU software. Yes it is. The crucial thing is that it DOES permit use in free software. We do not need this algorithm, but some people think we should do so. I don't have any opinion on that question; I am not an expert on what cryptography users want. But if it is useful enough that we want to support it, I would not exclude it because of the patent, given the license terms shown above. 1. There is a a patent of Kravitz (5,231,668) assigned to "The United States of America as ...". The NIST said, that say will make this patent world-wide available on a royalty-free basis. If they say this in a way we can legally hold them to, that is good enough. If they have not yet said it in such a way, we might want to push them to go ahead and do so. 2. The Schnorr patent (4,995,082): In a letter to the NIST Schnorr claimed that the DSA infringes his patent. FIPS 186 (about DSS) states that "The Department of Commerce is not aware of any patents that would be infringed by this standard". Maybe we should ask for an expert's opinion on whether the patent does cover the DSA, and whether it is likely to be valid. Many patents are mostly bluff. I also heard, that the government will help if someone is sued on patent infringement while working on a project implementing DSS for governmental purposes. Could someone track this down and find out if it is really true? If this influences our decision, we should know for certain what the situation is; exactly what help is being offered. PGP 5 uses DSA instead of ElGamal signatures (which are equally secure) and the draft for OpenPGP specifies DSA as a MUST. Shall we use DSA (and be compatible with PGP 5) or use plain ElGamal signatures and force the IETF to change the draft for OpenPGP by installing a huge base of users of G10? Has someone tried simply asking politely for the people writing the specification to permit El Gamal as an alternative? We should always ask someone to cooperate before assuming he won't.