Terje Kvernes writes: > I'm getting a lot of segfaults when I try to undo prelink. any > suggestions to save me from rebuilding pretty much everything? I'm > not sure how to find broken libraries even, so I'm just emergeing > stuff that is broken when I find it to be so. right. broken stuff, be it binaries or libraries, come up as "data" with "file". this can, thankfully, be used to find most of the broken stuff: for f in $( file /usr/bin/* /bin/* /usr/X11R6/bin/* /usr/lib/*.so\ /lib/*.so /usr/kde/3/lib/*.so | grep ":.*data" |\ cut -f1 -d: ); do qpkg -nc -f $f; done | sort | uniq > /tmp/packages this harked up the following packages on my box, after I've rebuilt about ten or so by hand. at least that's a start. :-) hm, what other directories should I check? Calculating dependencies ...done! [ebuild R ] app-cdr/cdrtools-2.0 [ebuild R ] app-editors/vim-core-6.1-r2 [ebuild R ] app-misc/jail-1.9 [ebuild R ] app-text/ispell-3.2.06-r5 [ebuild R ] app-text/openjade-1.3.1-r6 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/pilot-link-0.11.3 [ebuild R ] dev-util/guile-1.4.1 [ebuild R ] gnome-base/ORBit-0.5.17 [ebuild R ] gnome-base/bonobo-activation-1.0.4 [ebuild R ] gnome-base/control-center-2.0.3 [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gdm- [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-libs-1.4.2 [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.0.11 [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gnome-games-2.0.6 [ebuild R ] media-gfx/eog-1.0.4 [ebuild R ] media-gfx/imagemagick- [ebuild R ] media-gfx/xv-3.10a-r2 [ebuild R ] media-libs/giflib-4.1.0-r3 [ebuild R ] media-libs/libgd-1.8.3-r5 [ebuild R ] media-libs/libquicktime-0.9.2_pre1 [ebuild R ] media-libs/speex-1.0_beta3 [ebuild R ] media-libs/tiff-3.5.7-r1 [ebuild R ] media-sound/vorbis-tools-1.0-r1 [ebuild R ] media-video/transcode-0.6.0 [ebuild R ] media-video/xawtv-3.80 [ebuild R ] net-nds/openldap-2.0.27 [ebuild R ] sys-apps/kbd-1.06-r1 [ebuild R ] sys-apps/shadow-4.0.3-r3 [ebuild R ] sys-apps/texinfo-4.3 [ebuild R ] sys-apps/textutils-2.1 [ebuild R ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.11y [ebuild R ] sys-devel/gettext-0.11.5 [ebuild R ] sys-libs/db-3.2.9-r1 [ebuild R ] sys-libs/glibc-2.3.1-r2 [ebuild R ] x11-wm/enlightenment-0.16.5-r4 [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdebase-3.0.5a -- Terje -- gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list