vorlon@netexpress.net wrote: > "Don't break anything" certainly applies to existing APIs that are defined to > return (char *). Are there other APIs defined (perhaps by Microsoft) that > will return UCS2 (or wchar_t *)? If not, perhaps FreeTDS should be leading > the way... > The ODBC 3.51 Unicode API uses UCS2. The MS SQL Server ODBC driver only deals with UCS2 Unicode, and leaves it to the driver manager to convert to 8 bit for non unicode apps. AFAIK it does this by loosing the 8 MSB's -- Nick Gorham When I die, I want to go like my grandfather did, gently while sleeping, and not like his passangers, screaming in a panic, looking for the inflatable raft. -- Seen on ./ --- You are currently subscribed to freetds as: [freetds@progressive-comp.com] To unsubscribe, forward this message to leave-freetds-113879Q@franklin.oit.unc.edu