Hi For my network I solved connection login for all users. This code works on debian Etch with installed package ulog-acct and inserted module ipt_owner. I install freenx 0.6.0 and I have to do a litle patch to nxsever file mention below. Logs looks like: 1171908733 6 22 39202 5 548 "mrk" 1171908733 6 39202 22 9 596 "mrk" 1171908726 6 20168 8074 1 60 "mirek" 1171908742 6 8074 37799 1 52 "input" 1171908742 6 8074 37799 1 52 "aba" 1171908726 6 8074 20168 1 52 "input" Mirek Code #!/usr/bin/perl -w # Program generates IPTABLES rules, which are input for ulog-acct. # With this rules ulog can make logs connection per user on host # running nxserver. # To execute it on host, where eth0 is connected to internet do: # nx-ulog.pl eth0 # as a root or user allwed execute iptables and netstat -p # Program every $nr second execute netstat -entup. From netstat # output it builds up list of opened tcp/udp ports and its owners. # From this list program automatically modify (add or remove) # IPTABLES rules for INPUT and OUTPUT chain with IPTABLES filter # by local port. # Login this way has delay. First outgoing packets are not logged. # If someone wants to log all outgoing traffic for some users there # is possibility to make list @users0. # For this users IPTABLES Outgoing chain is applied static with # IPTABLES filter by owner # For connection to nxserver port (default 22) program assigns user # by examinig wtmp database on host greping remote IP:port. And next it # add/remove IPTABLES rules for INPUT an OUTPUT chain with IPTABLES # filter by remote address and port. # For this part of traffic log, you need do a litle patch to nxserver # to add remote TCP port into wtmp database # |-$COMMAND_SESSREG -l ":$SESS_DISPLAY" -h $USERIP -a $USER 2>&1 | log_error # |+REMOTE_ADR=`echo $SSH_CLIENT $SSH2_CLIENT|cut -d" " -f1,2|sed s/" "/:/` # |+$COMMAND_SESSREG -l ":$SESS_DISPLAY" -h "REMOTE_ADR -a $USER 2>&1 | log_error # nx-ulog.pl ver 0.0 copyright Mirek Lawniczek Gdansk 02.2007 # mrk@ogrody.gda.pl #START `/etc/init.d/iptables`; #path to host iptables file. Flush and refersh to beging state all IPTABLES rules $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin"; @users0 = ('mirek', 'michal', 'lugin', 'aba', 'jurek', 'darmor', 'pawszt', 'browarek', 'rysiek'); $nr = 2; # how many second wait beetween running netstat $rep = 5; # how many times check ssh conection by who if not succed get user $nxport = 22; # port freenx server listen $nic = pop(@ARGV); if (not $nic) {$nic = "eth0"} $IP_NIC = `ifconfig $nic`; $IP_NIC =~ s/.*inet addr:(.*) Bcast:/1/; $IP_NIC = $1; %otcphash =(); #hash for data of ports and owners for tcp previous scan %oudphash =(); #for udp %ntcphash =(); #temp hash collects records of ports and owners for tcp %ntcphash =(); #for udp %nrmthash =(); #tmp hash collects records al remote ip and port connected to ssh port %ormthash =(); #for pevious scan %tmphash =(); #tmphash records remote connection and ports for which who not succeded yet. # before start endless loop write static rules foreach (@users0) { $n_user = getpwnam $_; `iptables -A OUTPUT -o $nic -m owner --uid-owner $n_user -j ULOG --ulog-nlgroup 1 --ulog-cprange 72 --ulog-qthreshold 50 --ulog-prefix $_` } while (1) { @netstat = split ("\n" , `netstat -epntu`); foreach (@netstat) { if (/$IP_NIC/s) { $tcpudp = substr($_,0,3); @loc_adr = split(":" , substr($_,20,21)); # $loc_adr[1] =~ tr/ //sd; #remove space at tail $n_port = $loc_adr[1]; $n_user = substr($_,79,4); if ($n_user >=1000) { $n_user = getpwuid $n_user; $MK = grep /$n_user/, @users0; #1 if n_user is member of static rules list $nref = "n" . $tcpudp . "hash"; $oref = "o" . $tcpudp . "hash"; $$nref{$n_port} = $n_user; if(not exists $$oref{$n_port}) { `iptables -A INPUT -i $nic -p $tcpudp --dport $n_port -j ULOG --ulog-nlgroup 1 --ulog-prefix $n_user`; if (not $MK) { `iptables -A OUTPUT -o $nic -p $tcpudp --sport $n_port -j ULOG --ulog-nlgroup 1 --ulog-prefix $n_user`; } } else { #delete records in otcphash to detect records of closed connection next delete $$oref{$n_port}; } } ################## ################# this part if for generation statistic per user for ssh port if ($n_port == $nxport) { @nxstring = split("/", substr ($_,101,14)); if ($nxstring[1] eq "sshd: nx") { #check netstat output if this is nx connection $n_rmtadr = substr($_,44,21); $n_rmtadr =~ tr/ //sd; #remove space at tail @rmt_adr = split(":" , $n_rmtadr); #cut remote addr from netstat output $rmt_ip = $rmt_adr[0]; $rmt_port = $rmt_adr[1]; if (not exists $ormthash{$n_rmtadr}) { @wtmp = split ("\n", `who --ips`); #execute command who to get nx user foreach (@wtmp) { if (/$n_rmtadr/s) { @line = split; $n_user =$line[0]; $nrmthash{$n_rmtadr} = $n_user; `iptables -A INPUT -i $nic -s $rmt_ip -p tcp --sport $rmt_port -j ULOG --ulog-nlgroup 1 --ulog-prefix $n_user`; `iptables -A OUTPUT -o $nic -d $rmt_ip -p tcp --dport $rmt_port -j ULOG --ulog-nlgroup 1 --ulog-prefix $n_user`; goto SKROT; } } if (exists $tmphash{$n_rmtadr}) { if ($tmphash{$n_rmtadr} < $rep) {$tmphash{$n_rmtadr} += 1} else { $nrmthash{$n_rmtadr} = "unknown"; delete $tmphash{$n_rmtadr}; } } else{ $tmphash{$n_rmtadr} = 1 } } else { #delete records in ormthash to findnout records of closed connection $nrmthash{$n_rmtadr} = $ormthash{$n_rmtadr} ; delete $ormthash{$n_rmtadr}; } } } } SKROT: } # if there is no conection in netstat we can release iptables rules foreach $tmpkey(keys %otcphash) { `iptables -D INPUT -i -$nic -p tcp --dport $tmpkey -j ULOG --ulog-nlgroup 1 --ulog-prefix $otcphash{$tmpkey}`; if (not grep /$otcphash{$tmpkey}/, @users0) { `iptables -D OUTPUT -o -$nic -p tcp --sport $tmpkey -j ULOG --ulog-nlgroup 1 --ulog-prefix $otcphash{$tmpkey}`; } } foreach $tmpkey(keys %oudphash) { `iptables -D INPUT -i -$nic -p udp --dport $tmpkey -j ULOG --ulog-nlgroup 1 --ulog-prefix $oudphash{$tmpkey}`; `iptables -D OUTPUT -o -$nic -p udp --sport $tmpkey -j ULOG --ulog-nlgroup 1 --ulog-prefix $oudphash{$tmpkey}`; } foreach $tmpkey(keys %ormthash) { @rmtadr = split (":" , $tmpkey); if ($ormthash{$tmpkey} ne "unknown") { `iptables -D INPUT -i -$nic -s $rmtadr[0] -p tcp --sport $rmtadr[1] -j ULOG --ulog-nlgroup 1 --ulog-prefix $ormthash{$tmpkey}`; `iptables -D OUTPUT -o -$nic -d $rmtadr[0] -p tcp --dport $rmtadr[1] -j ULOG --ulog-nlgroup 1 --ulog-prefix $ormthash{$tmpkey}`; } } %otcphash=%ntcphash; %oudphash=%nudphash; %ormthash=%nrmthash; %ntcphash=(); %nudphash=(); %nrmthash=(); sleep $nr; } On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 17:12 +0100, mir wrote: > I can log traffic without Mark (Mark probably do not work for OUTPUT > chain) for example: > iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -syn -m owner --uid-owner 1000 -j LOG > --log-prefix -mirek- > Logs all ACK packets for user id 1000. > Similar probably I can log packets with SYN flag. > But quality of this tool is not good enough. > Maybe someone has good tools to decode this type of logs to get for > example number of transfered bytes instead of many logged ack packets. > > Till now I prefer to hack kernel. Host with hacked kernel do not need > any log. If someone from outside claim, that there was any abuse from my > host, and He can give me a port on my host and I can easy decode user > who made abuse. > > Mirek > > On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 23:00 +0100, Revellion wrote: > > Why not use -m owner on the iptables of the freenx host to mark the > > packages? > > > > like iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner -j MARK > > --set-mark 0xblahnumber ? > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________ > Were you helped on this list with your FreeNX problem? > Then please write up the solution in the FreeNX Wiki/FAQ: > http://openfacts.berlios.de/index-en.phtml?title=FreeNX_FAQ > Don't forget to check the NX Knowledge Base: > http://www.nomachine.com/kb/ > > ________________________________________________________________ > FreeNX-kNX mailing list --- FreeNX-kNX@kde.org > https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/freenx-knx > ________________________________________________________________ > ________________________________________________________________ Were you helped on this list with your FreeNX problem? Then please write up the solution in the FreeNX Wiki/FAQ: http://openfacts.berlios.de/index-en.phtml?title=FreeNX_FAQ Don't forget to check the NX Knowledge Base: http://www.nomachine.com/kb/ ________________________________________________________________ FreeNX-kNX mailing list --- FreeNX-kNX@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/freenx-knx ________________________________________________________________