Dear list, I have googled and also tried the NoMachine knowledge base for help, but my problem is that I am stuck in a pretty basic situation. I cannot get any error messages, thus there is very little point in doing more KB searching. I run a server box with RedHat Enterprise Server 3 and I have installed the NX and freenx packages provided by Rick Stout here: I am trying to connect to that server from Windows box. I downloaded the latest Windows client (1.5) from and I try to connect, but I have two choices: 1. Using the default key that comes with the client, the error message I get on the gui is that NX was not installed at all on the server. Interesting enough I found a public key that I have been using to authenticate for root in the authorized_keys for the user nx. 2. I used that key on the client which obviously took me one step further but left me with the message that it cannot authenticate the user as which I am trying to login. The "Details" button in the client which would maybe show me more information is grayed out. My best guess up to here would be that the NX client manages to authenticate with the server als user nx, but then fails to su to the user as which I am trying to login into the server. But I cannot see why. There are no messages at all in auth.log for example and the NX server logfile is empty as well. According to I tried to get some more log output, but again, nothing happened. It appears as if the config file in which I entered SESSION_LOG_CLEAN = "0" SESSION_LOG_LEVEL = "7" just gets ignored. What file does nxserver look for and can I use a parameter to explicitely specify it? Any more general ideas on what might be wrong? If I managed to get some logging I at least had a chance to search for anything. Regards, Torsten _______________________________________________ FreeNX-kNX mailing list