The discussion around the Linux Registry (LR) proposal has mainly focused on its performance and technical implementation. Discussions of these kinds often tend to do that. (Another common theme: library dependencies...) What I think is interesting with LR though is how it tries to put all configuration data in a single namespace. It is not alone in this. I think GConf does this too, but in a different way. Why not abstract the discussion for a moment and focus on the data rather than the storage? Probably it is not realistic for all applications to share a configuration framework in the short term. But a process that hopefully can be started is to discuss a namespace, where configuration data can be referred with XPath or similar syntax. For example, even though XF86Config is not xml, its structure is hierarchical and can be broken down to a tree with config elements. Each config key can be described with a key, which looks something like "/Monitor/Monitor0/HorizSync/min" (taken from the example that is described on the LR page). I read a little about GConf, and it seems to works with hierarchical keys too. "/apps/metacity/general/titlebar_font" is given as example. I don't know how it works in KDE. I guess a first step in the long process to a common configuration framework could be to: Define a common hierarchical namespace. Something like /desktop/kde/... /desktop/gnome/... /desktop/common/... Provide API in each individual config framework to let applications refer to their config data with keys in this format. Encourage developers to use these keys rather than any other way to fetch their config data. (Don't work with files directly, etc). Put things that are agreed upon and can be shared in the "common" namespace. Then, over time, hopefully each config framework can be ported to a common access mechanism, without affecting applications too much. Perhaps there will never be a single storage format, but different to choose from, depending on the situation. It can be implemented in everything from a single XML file, to GConf, Linux Registry or LDAP. I guess my point is that since a certain library probably not can be agreed upon for a long time, use a common key namespace as API instead. Claes