>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Harton writes: Daniel> hello, what do I need to do to help with the handbook Daniel> project? Find the sections marked with a `*' in the handbook and write them! Be sure to post a message here (doc@freebsd.org) to ``claim'' the section---someone else might be working on it already. If none of the to-be-written sections appeal to you, suggest a topic! Then, write it. We're using SGML to do this, using a document type definition (DTD) based on linuxdoc. Don't worry if that doesn't mean anything to you. Basically, look at the source to one of the sections. See the effect of each SGML tag. Use the `sgmlfmt' command to format your document for HTML, LaTeX, plain ASCII text, or nroff to see how it looks. Then, make it available for review. You can do that by making the SGML source available for anonymous FTP or put the HTML version up on a web site. Then, revise it. Then, submit it. Then, bask in the glory of having contributed something to our mighty and growing handbook! -- Sean Kelly NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory kelly@fsl.noaa.gov Boulder Colorado USA http://www-sdd.fsl.noaa.gov/~kelly/