Hi Kei, Alexander, My initial guess is a clash between the python versions that come with fink and the versions that come with MacOS (i.e., regina is building against one but then trying to run its test suite against another). I will update my fink packages today and see if I can reproduce the problem; if not, I will come back to Kei for more information. In the meantime, Kei: if you could mail me a copy of /sw/src/fink.build/regina-normal-4.90-0.1/regina-4.90/build/CMakeCache.txt (if that directory hasn't been deleted yet), that would be great. For Alexander: > I'm not showing regina-normal-4.90 as being in the Fink distribution > (and the revision of 0.1 would be illegal in a released Fink package). Yep, this is the info file downloaded directly from the upstream regina website. I haven't submitted an info file to fink yet because it currently builds against kde4/mac only (it's not split into separate -mac and -x11 versions). If this is not a problem, then (after sorting out this python issue with Kei) I will go ahead and submit it (since the current regina-normal-4.6 in fink is a couple of years out of date). If both -mac and -x11 versions are mandatory, then I will leave it as third-party for now until I have time to build and properly test the -x11 versions. - Ben. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get your Android app more play: Bring it to the BlackBerry PlayBook in minutes. BlackBerry App World™ now supports Android™ Apps for the BlackBerry® PlayBook™. Discover just how easy and simple it is! http://p.sf.net/sfu/android-dev2dev _______________________________________________ Fink-beginners mailing list Fink-beginners@lists.sourceforge.net List archive: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.os.apple.fink.beginners Subscription management: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/fink-beginners