
On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 12:26 AM, Robert Dailey <rcdailey.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
First obvious question is: Should this even be a concern?

Yes, definitely!
cmake-packages documentation doesn't really touch on versioning, but
there are a couple of concerns I see when you want users to be able to
install (with CMake) multiple versions of the same library

that is quite usual practice (at least for me) to have multiple versions installed and (try) link my package w/ 'em.

1. The library files have to use VERSION or SOVERSION properties to
affect their name (this needs to be consistent on all platforms)

I use versioned static libraries on all platforms (*NIX/Linux and Windows) and dynamic in Windows only.
For linux dynamic libraries use traditional format `libblah.so.X.Y.Z`. (yea w/ VERSION and SOVERSION properties)
2. Debug configurations should alter the name of the library (to
support multi-configuration generators like Visual Studio, for the
most part, but also useful to single-configuration generators)

I do it for Windows only... (just don't need it for linux, where I prefer a single ocnifuration to be installed, just like most pakcages do in my Gentoo).
3. Header file installation: How do you do versioning? How do you have
a foo.h that is version 1.0, and a foo.h that is version 2.0? Does
this even make sense?

Header files installed into `/usr/include/package-X.Y.Z/`, and exported targets always know this (and set the corresponding INTERFACE properties)

One approach I've taken so far is:

1. CMake scripts like config scripts and exported target scripts go
under "share/libraryname-1.0/cmake"

yep, it would work... for linux personally I prefer `/usr/lib/cmake/package-X.Y.Z/`
2. Library names follow a format like "libfoo-1.0.0", or
"libfoo-1.0.0-debug" for debug versions of that same library.

Personally I use semantic versioning (http://semver.org) and 'SameMajor' compatibility option work pretty fine for me even w/ dozen of dependencies...
I have no answer for include files.

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