On Friday 11 March 2011 Mar, tien dh wrote: > Hi every one, > Please help me on that problem, it's so difficult for me to solve: > > int main(int argc, char** argv){ QApplication qapp(argc, argv); > KComponentData cd("graphicsview-test"); Calligra::Tables::Doc doc; > bool ok = doc.*openUrl*(KUrl("/home/excel_samples/Cash_Flow_Projection_Worksheet.xls")); > if (!ok) { qDebug() << "failed to load"; return 0; > } QFont font(KoGlobal::defaultFont()); > Calligra::Tables::CanvasItem* canvas = new > Calligra::Tables::CanvasItem(&doc); QRect usedArea = > canvas->*activeSheet*()->usedArea(true); QSizeF > size(canvas->*activeSheet*()->columnPosition(usedArea.right()+3), > canvas->*activeSheet*()->rowPosition(usedArea.bottom()+5)); > canvas->setDocumentSize(size); size = > canvas->*zoomHandler*()->*documentToView*(size); > canvas->resize(size); canvas->setPos(0, 0); > Calligra::Tables::ColumnHeaderItem* columnHeader = > static_cast(canvas->*columnHeader*()); > static_cast(columnHeader)->resize(size.width(), > canvas->*zoomHandler*()->zoomItY(font.pointSizeF() + 3)); > columnHeader->setPos(0, -columnHeader->height()); > Calligra::Tables::RowHeaderItem* rowHeader = > static_cast(canvas->*rowHeader*()); > static_cast(rowHeader)->resize(canvas->*zoomHandler*()->zoomItX(YBORDER_WIDTH), > size.height()); rowHeader->setPos(-rowHeader->width(), 0); > columnHeader->toolChanged("PanTool"); > rowHeader->toolChanged("PanTool"); QGraphicsScene scene; > scene.addItem(canvas); scene.addItem(columnHeader); > scene.addItem(rowHeader); QGraphicsView view(&scene); > view.show(); qapp.exec();} > > > This portion of code can run and show a excel file. But when I try using > function: doc.createView().show, only tabbars and scrollbars shown. Sheet > area is completely black. I try using canvas, canvasWidget and > canvasController but it isn't successful. > Anyone can show me why it is and how to render the view to an image ? Hi Tien, I'm not completely sure what you're tring to do here -- the mail came across a bit garbled. It looks like you're using the graphicsitem canvas, and in that case, you shouldn't use the createView() method since that creates a view. But what might be happening here is that your implementation of KoCanvasController doesn't size your canvas correctly. This is a bit fiddly, and we don't have any good example yet of how it should work. I'm working on that, but I haven't had a whole lot of time yet, plus, the code is still in a state of flux. You need to make sure, though, that your KoCanvasController implementation is complete -- this is the viewport that handles the display of the correct part of the document -- and that you set the canvas on that. And make sure that you either use the QWidget based canvas or the QGraphicsItem based canvas. If you use the QWidget-based canvas, use the KoAbstraction library. This is by far the simplest solution, since it only implies implementing two abstract classes. Here's some sample code written by Mani Chandrasekar for his conf.kde.in presentation that shows how it works: you need to implement two classes (this is the absolute minimum): ------------- KoAbstractApplicationWindow KoAbstractApplicationController MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), KoAbstractApplicationWindow((m_controller = new MyApplicationController(this))), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } ---------------- MyApplicationController::MyApplicationController(MainWindow *window) : KoAbstractApplicationController(window), m_window(window) { } QWidget * MyApplicationController::mainWindow() const { return m_window; } void MyApplicationController::setCentralWidget(QWidget *widget) { m_window->setCentralWidget(widget); } -------------------- And then it's simply a matter of instantiating and calling the method to open a file: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); MainWindow wnd; wnd.show(); wnd.controller()->openDocument("/home/mani/Downloads/MicromaxMMX300G.ppt"); return a.exec(); } -- Boudewijn Rempt | http://www.valdyas.org, http://www.krita.org _______________________________________________ calligra-devel mailing list calligra-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/calligra-devel