Looks to me like you can't use a forward-declaration of CustomStylePrivate to declare a QSharedDataPointer<CustomStylePrivate> with. Try putting the class definition of CustomStylePrivate in its own header (something_p.h) and include it in Style.h instead of using this forward declaration. And why is it

class CustomStylePrivate::CustomStylePrivate : public QSharedData
    QString name;
    StyleType type;

and not simply

class CustomStylePrivate : public QSharedData
    QString name;
    StyleType type;

This seems odd to me, also since in the comment above the definition it says "CustomStyle::Private" (so which of the three is it really supposed to be now?). Does this code compile on other platforms?


Am 30.01.2011 um 09:54 schrieb Pierre Stirnweiss:

Here is the error: http://paste.kde.org/3643/
Here is the header: http://paste.kde.org/3641/
Here is the cpp: http://paste.kde.org/3642/

These files (header and cpp) are already a modified version of the original tables/Style.h and Style.cpp, with one of the trials i have already done.

I just don't know what else to do.


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