Sorry for the late reply.

I am using cairo for drawing and pango for the text. I am creating a window with xcb and using cairo_xcb_surface.

I can easily extract the dpi information from the xrandr api calls. Now that I have this ratio, I have to use it somewhere to scale my canvas appropriately.

I will try using cairo_scale, and should I also scale the size of the xcb_surface by the same ratio?

Anyway my main concern about antialising is that since I am making layered shapes (think buttons) the border and the background will not match up pixel perfect (which is something that I have seen in other project using cairo).

Does what I described about scaling the surface makes sense or am I misinterpreting cairo_scale?


I will soon try and post the results

On March 18, 2024 1:46:54 PM GMT+01:00, Dov Grobgeld <dov.grobgeld@gmail.com> wrote:
I think that you should describe in detail what you expect.

In pure vector graphics a contour may cut through a pixel and partially obscure it, and it is then the responsibility of the graphics engine to create anti-aliased graphics by mixing the colors of the background and the foreground. As a user you typically don't need to concern yourself with that as it is done automatically.

However, e.g. for text this may cause "fuzzy" characters and the engine will then fallback to moving the contours and scale the font so that the glyphs fall on whole pixels.

Note that the use of anti-aliased graphics is less needed, and less visible, for an HDPI device.

In any case all that you will typically need is cairo_scale() as Uli Shlachter already described.

Try it!


On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 12:46 PM Federico Angelilli <list@fedang.net> wrote:

Will cairo_scale make a pixel perfect image for non integer scales? To my understanding the scale matrix will be multiplied to all the coordinates scaling the coordinates appropriately. Should I also scale the whole surface by that same factor?


On March 16, 2024 6:27:56 PM GMT+01:00, Uli Schlachter <psychon@znc.in> wrote:

Am 14.03.24 um 16:34 schrieb fedang:
Hello all,

I am writing a small X11 app using cairo as the drawing backend. I was wondering if and how to implement
fractional scaling to accommodate high dpi screens. After searching online I found almost nothing, so here I am.

Can someone give me some pointers on what to do? I can get a scale factor for the screens (depending on the size)
but I have no idea how to actually use it in the draw code.

I'm not sure if I understand the question. You can use cairo_scale() to set a scale factor for all drawing. So I would say that you can just apply the scale factor with cairo_scale() before drawing.

Of course, this assumes that you don't use cairo_identity_matrix() or cairo_set_matrix() in your drawing. Instead, cairo_save() and cairo_restore() should be used around temporary modifications of the transformations.
