On 10/02/2014 11:40 PM, Mauricio Carneiro wrote: > Hi all, > > turns out clang 3.5 is no longer supporting > -finline-functions, which it claims never did anything anyway, so this is their way to take it out of usage. > > My release builds (which are done solely through boost build) automatically add this parameter to the compilation command line, and thus is > now failing (since I use -Werror). > > Is there a way to modify the "release" variant not to use that line anymore? Also, is there a way to extend the command line parameters that > the release variant will use? Hi Mauricio, I think you need to modify https://github.com/boostorg/build/blob/develop/src/tools/clang-linux.jam#L79 to not pass -finline-function and either pass whatever is the right option, or add a comment explaining that clang does not provide explicit control for inlining. If you confirm that it works fine, and possibly review clang-darwin.jam and clang-win.jam for similar code, you can submit a pull request, or just patch. Thanks, Volodya _______________________________________________ Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost-build