-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi Marco, > This is Marco from Switzerland. I'm member of the music editorial staff of the non-commercial > german web-radio project called „Radio GFM“. > > Radio GFM plays „GEMA-FREIE MUSIK“ which means that we do only play music which is released under > a free Creative Commons license. sounds like a great project. But you know, just because a song is CC-licensed doesn't mean that the GEMA won't charge you of any fees. The GMEA sees their contracts as exclusive and some artists have GEMA contracts but nevertheless offer CC-licensed downloads... > The „Radio GFM“ project have three different radio stations: Radio GFM - RockPop > http://streams.radio-gfm.net/rockpop.m3u Radio GFM - Electro > http://streams.radio-gfm.net/electro.m3u Radio GFM - Metal > http://streams.radio-gfm.net/metal.m3u > > We would like to ask you, if you could integrate our radio stations into Amarok by default to > spread Creative Commons music. The criteria for adding a stream are quite simple: our developers have to like it. ;-) But I think a CC-stream gets some extra credit. As we just tagged 2.4.2 now our devs have some time to listen to it. PS: I'm also the moderator of the Free Music Charts @darkeradio.com, maybe you want to use those songs and encourage your listeners to take part in the votting, too? See mail signature for the latest show. - -- Darkerradio Free Music Charts Juli 2011: http://www.darkerradio.com/news/free-music-charts-juli-2011/ Klarmachen zum Ändern! -> http://www.piratenpartei.de/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/ iEYEARECAAYFAk4r6AMACgkQOOggGLjBlha7RQCfZkHm7TLuceq243h+alxPPi0k m2cAn2Ry/y4/EepzoRSB2w0CIzUAZH74 =fK9p -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ Amarok-devel mailing list Amarok-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/amarok-devel