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On November 1st, 2010, 7:21 p.m., Stefan Derkits wrote:

The Colours in the Screenshot look a little bit strange (especially this really light blue) and could need some Refinement
And the Selection which Set of Tags to use should maybe be made by selecting it, instead of using checkboxes (because you can only select one tagset)
otherwise a good Improvement :)

On November 1st, 2010, 8:16 p.m., Sergey Ivanov wrote:

I tried to make gradient Red->Green ( through orange ), but It looked terrible, that's why  I dropped blue color component. Color for MusicDNS was taken "from a roof", It's a simple Qt::cyan. They all can be changed, i.e. waiting for your advices. :)
I think that checkboxes much more clear for understanding of selection precess then simple row selection, and It prevents from: "WTF happened with my tags, I didn't mean to accept this crap!?"
Btw mass-selection still available by clicking on a first header column, It automatically select all top results, except tracks that already has result selected by user.

On November 1st, 2010, 9:10 p.m., Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:

Looks good so far. But checkboxes are definitely the wrong control if only one can be selected. Is it possible to use radio buttons?
The mass selection sounds like a useful feature, although I'd have to see it in action to see if it can be understood.
Maybe another Idea would be to use no Colour. First, because it's hard to find Colours that look good in every Colour Scheme and second because a small percentage of Colour Blind Users can't see them. So maybe instead of using Colours, make an additional Collumn where you show the "Similarity Ratio" as a numerical Value. Does MusicDNS not support any kind of Information "how good the Results are"?

- Stefan

On November 1st, 2010, 6:35 p.m., Sergey Ivanov wrote:

Review request for Amarok.
By Sergey Ivanov.

Updated 2010-11-01 18:35:41


Rebuild MBT dialog. Now search result presented by a Tree, trackToSearch->SearchResults. Search results sorted by similarity ratio ( more similar is on top ), and has different colors corresponding to that. MusicDNS search results marked with a cyan color and stay on bottom. There is no Start search button any more, both searches run simultaneously.

Will be Implemented soon:
1) If one TrackID founded by both searches, this result automatically moves on top.
2) MB icon linked to track page on //need to find a place for It
3..n Needs your advices. :)


  • src/CMakeLists.txt (2abeca2)
  • src/dialogs/MusicBrainzTagger.h (e33c9f6)
  • src/dialogs/MusicBrainzTagger.cpp (cdc3ec5)
  • src/dialogs/MusicBrainzTagger.ui (3f14236)
  • src/musicbrainz/MusicBrainzFinder.h (49c8f6b)
  • src/musicbrainz/MusicBrainzFinder.cpp (41ddbaa)
  • src/musicbrainz/MusicBrainzMeta.h (57ed363)
  • src/musicbrainz/MusicBrainzTagsModel.h (a93929a)
  • src/musicbrainz/MusicBrainzTagsModel.cpp (1bf7389)
  • src/musicbrainz/MusicBrainzTrackListModel.h (6eaa648)
  • src/musicbrainz/MusicBrainzTrackListModel.cpp (fa1fc10)
  • src/musicbrainz/MusicDNSFinder.h (2cd00d1)
  • src/musicbrainz/MusicDNSFinder.cpp (9c31f38)

View Diff


Refreshed view of MusicBrainz tagger Wide range diviation example, colors goes from red to green