
I'm not an Amarok developer, but as far as I know it's not possible at the moment. I remember someone writing a post on the forums regarding this a while ago (wondering how Amarok weighted the smart playlist), but can't remember the answer.

Please notice that no new features are going to be introduced in the 1.4 versions of Amarok. Maybe it's something for Amarok2?

With best regards,
Hans Chen

On Nov 1, 2007 9:51 PM, Martin Steigerwald < Martin@lichtvoll.de> wrote:


Is it possible to combine several smart playlists weigtedly?

I.e. have a dynamic playlist with

a) 60% of songs with >80 rating and >8 times played and >21 days since
last played

b) 20% of new songs (last 6 month for example) and >21 or >7 days since
last played

c) 20% of songs played less than 8 times

Please tell me when you think insanity creeps at me, but I tend to find
something like this useful and would like to try it out. Cause if I just
had 100% of a, then I never would get to hear new music / music played
less than 8 times... maybe b is not required, but could be nice, but
combining a and c could be helpful I think.

Actually Greg Meyer's writing about combining dynamic and smart playlists
together inspired this idea[1].

If that is not possible right now, I can file a wish report about it.

[1] http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/amarok/2007-September/004203.html

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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