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Viewing messages in list linux-atm
- 1997-11-01 - 1997-12-01 (66 messages)
- 1997-10-01 - 1997-11-01 (138 messages)
- 1997-09-01 - 1997-10-01 (81 messages)
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 31. 1997-10-17  [1] atm_ttcp                                              linux-atm Johny 
 32. 1997-10-17  [1] Interarrival time                                     linux-atm Alfonso Gonza
 33. 1997-10-16  [5] Re: Jose Rezende                                      linux-atm Alfonso Gonza
 34. 1997-10-16  [3] Docs on AAL5?                                         linux-atm Joseph Thomas
 35. 1997-10-15  [3] Re: CBR without AAL1?                                 linux-atm Alfonso Gonza
 36. 1997-10-15  [1] How to generate a constant cell stream?               linux-atm Alfonso Gonza
 37. 1997-10-15  [1] [Reply] Re: A question                                linux-atm Alfonso Gonza
 38. 1997-10-15  [1] TCP Extensions                                        linux-atm Isidoro de la
 39. 1997-10-13  [1] ATM over TCP on same machine                          linux-atm Rolf Kunisch 
 40. 1997-10-13  [1] ATM on Linux question                                 linux-atm Balaji Sriniv
 41. 1997-10-13  [1] Driver for ForeRunner LE 25                           linux-atm Jawaid Bazyar
 42. 1997-10-10  [3] ATM signalling issue.                                 linux-atm Stu Card 
 43. 1997-10-10  [3] LANE-Error                                            linux-atm Werner Almesb
 44. 1997-10-10  [2] Connection-Failure                                    linux-atm Werner Almesb
 45. 1997-10-10  [1] linux-atm on PII                                      linux-atm Sohail Munir 
 46. 1997-10-10  [1] ENI & mis-aligned packets                             linux-atm Werner Almesb
 47. 1997-10-10  [2] ATM NIC Card                                          linux-atm Yann Dupont 
 48. 1997-10-10  [1] One of those newby questions                          linux-atm Pini Remo 
 49. 1997-10-10  [4] Cheapest switch for ATM?                              linux-atm Mark T. Ganze
 50. 1997-10-09  [6] LES/BUS at same NSAP address?                         linux-atm Garry Thomas 
 51. 1997-10-09  [2] Video Telephony                                       linux-atm Vinay Bannai 
 52. 1997-10-09  [1] ATM Switch on PC and AAL2 support                     linux-atm Sohail Munir 
 53. 1997-10-09  [4] Routing through an ATM connection                     linux-atm Werner Almesb
 54. 1997-10-07  [2] Rx Socket buffer bug?                                 linux-atm Werner Almesb
 55. 1997-10-07  [1] 0.33 pre-release                                      linux-atm Werner Almesb
 56. 1997-10-07  [3] ABR and linux ATM                                     linux-atm Steven Wright
 57. 1997-10-07  [1] ABR                                                   linux-atm Stefano Giaco
 58. 1997-10-07  [1] SO_ATMSAP & simplifications                           linux-atm Werner Almesb
 59. 1997-10-07  [1] TCP is eating my buffers!                             linux-atm Jawaid Bazyar
 60. 1997-10-06  [1] Re: A question                                        linux-atm Alfonso Gonza

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